CCR1983193RESOLWION #193-83 (As Amended) AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF BID (Meadowdale Stom Drainage Project) known as the Meadowdale Drainage Project, and WHEiKAS,bids had been solicited for the watercourse relocation project WHEREILS, the following bids have been received: D.F. Tmini Contractors $238,350.50 Reesnan ' s Fxcavat ing 222, 069.90 Koch & Bonness, Inc. A. 214,065.00 11 1, 11 1, (concrete pipe)B. 219,315.00, and WHEREAS, the above bids have been reviewed by the City's consulting engineers, Ruekert & Mielke, and they have reccmnended that the low bid of Koch & Bonness, Inc. in the amount of $214,065.00 be accepted, and WHEREAS, the Finance Camittee has reviewed these bids and has recomnended acceptance of the low bid with funds fran TID #3. THEREFORE, BE IT ESOLVED that the Ccmmn Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recmndation of the City's consulting engineers and the Finance Connittee, does hereby accept the low bid of Koch & Bonness, Inc. in the amount of $214,065.00, with funds to be taken fran TID #3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the .Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute the necessary docmnts in the name of the City. BE IT FUFXHER RESOLVED that the requii-ed contract and insurance certificate must be sutmitted by Koch & Bonness, Inc. prior to the start of construction. BE IT RESOLVED that the bid shall not be awarded until all easements are in place and revievied by the Mayor. DATED THIS 26th Day of July , 1983. FINANCE COMMI~ Ald. Edwin P. me Ald. Mitchel Penovich * City Clerk RESOLUTION #193-83 AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF DID (Moudowdulu Storm DrUillUl(u l>rojCCL) WHEREAS, bids had been solicited for the watercourse // relo- cation project known as the Meadowdale DrainagelProject, and WHEREAS, the following bids have been received: 1 / / 1). F. Tolnasini Contractors $238,350.50 Reesman's Excavating 2-22,069.90 Koch & Bonness, Inc. A.,214,065.00 It II ,I 'I (concrete pipe)B.1219,315.00, and WHEREAS, the above bids have been reviewed by the City's consulting engineers, Ruekert & Mielke, and they have ruconunundod thut tho low bid ol Koch:& Uollnuabl, lnc. in Lhu mount of 5214,065.00 be accepted,,ond WHEREAS, the Finance Committee ha- reviewed these bids and has recommended acceptance of th,e low bid. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that 'the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's consulting engineers and the Finance Con~mittee. does hereby of $214,065.00. accept the low bid of Koch k, Bonness, Inc. in the amount BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thai .the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute the necessary documents in the name of the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the required contract and insurance certificate must be su)inlitted by Koch k Uonness, Inc. prior to the start of construckion. / i I DATED 'TH I S DAY OF , 1983. f ii I FINANCE COMhlI'r'l'EE Ald. Edwin P. Dumlte Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Charles Colburn I ATTEST: / I City Clerk I /i I'