CCR1983182e e e RESOLUTION jll.82-83 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF PARCEL OF LAND FOR GLENBROOK DRAINAGE PROJECT (Harold Diekfuss) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego hereby approves that the city punchase the property of Harold Diekfuss as stated in the Relocation Order for the purchase price of $3,450 and that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign any legal documents in the name of the city and hereby waives any contingency in the Offer to Purchase and approves of the same. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1983. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Edwin P. Dumke c!!! L\L Ald. Charles Colburn ATTEST : City Clerk lm 6/83 ., VACANT LAND OFFER TO PURCHASE . .. 1 Mu.skeR!? ~ ~ ,Wisconsin, . .. .. J-k.?.F. .c f 19.. 4 in the. . c1s.y. ..... of.. ,Mu.Skek?. ...... County of ................... .......... Pi? 7 .. ..... ...... ....... ... ...... 3 herebyoffentopurchaserw~WtbYtY~.K1D[..Bn..ea~..ero~U.t..in .C~r.tai.rl..PXP.P~F.t The undersigned Buyer, cf.TX .Qf~. MU.$KEGO. s rnorcparticdar~ykscimar: ... $.~e...~!tta~.hed.'e.a.S~.~en.t.. ..................................... 6 .......... .................................................................................... y 7 .................................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ............... II .: ..... ..... ..................... ............................. ..... ............. ..... 0 attheDiceof~J~ .rr.~.~...%~~.~.~.~.~~, Au.7.. g.<t.t> ... <&.-(M ....................... 1 Dollk (S$.?.*. :=. ) and on the tern and conditions as follows: !estmoneyofS, Q...o.Q .............. ten&redherewith.Additionalearnestmoneyof$,,.~:.~.~. ... .Z4Kfi&lXM66K .......... I ................ .. ...... J. .............. ..... ............ 5 , and the balance in cash at closing or as hereafter set forth 1f;his oier is Ihe result of a co-brokerage, then all money paid herewith shall be held in the selling broker's lmst munt until lhe acceptance of 6 rhir okr and shall be lransmitted lo the listing broker upon such acceptance. - ..... ..... xur~~xxxxxx~xxul~prlrpcar~~~~~~. 7 ~ormbuumer~~~~~~~~X~6U~~~~apcx ......... I THEBUYERSOB~GA~ONTOCON~~UDETHIST~SA~TION,SCOND,TIONEDUPONTHECONSU~TIONOFTHE 8 .................................................................................... : 9 TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE AS TO ADDITIONAL. EARNEST MONEY PAYMENT. LEGAL POSSESSION, OCCUPANCY. AND CJ DATE OF CLOSING. (Strike those not a licable.) 2 FOLLOWING: 4 other contingency, it must be stated here. If none, so state.) ....................................... 1 3 (If this der is subject u) imancing. percolation test, specilic zoning or use, approval of recorded building and use restrictions and covenants, or any ........ 7 9 ............. on. or..before..clo.srng,.. ....................... ............................ ........................ .................. .................................................... ........................................... .......................................... 0 2 ................................................................................................. 3 .................................. ................................................ 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Buyer agrees that unless otherwise specified, Buyer will pay all costs of securing any financingto the extent permitted by law. and topedorm all acu necessary to expedite such financing. J ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED N SALE: .none.. ........ ............................... 5 ..... ............. .. ..... .................... 6. ........ ........ .... ........... ........ ............. 7 ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN SALE: .tl.One. 8, ................. ........... ......................................... Y ....................... .......... ....... 0 Seller shall, upon payment of the purchase price, convey &e propeny by~~&X&XrX&M+Xdt%pL!&%Z~'free and cleardrW . .~ ..attached easement 1 liens and encumbrances. excepting: municipal and wing ordinances, recorded easements for public utilities located adjacent 1O side and rear la 2 lines, recorded building and use restrictions and covenants, general taxes levied in the year of closing and . .......... 3 .. ............... ......................................... . .~ ....... .. .............. I ........... ................ (I, Legal possession of propeny shall b, delivered Buyer on date of closing. It is underslood the propeny is now occupied by . .9.VI!'?.rS. ....................................... ,6 under (oral lease) (written lease). which terms are: ................. .............................. 81 ................................. .. ......... ........................ 88 .9 Occupancyd .the..9E!$e.meP.t . . . shall be given to Buyer on .c.!?.si%. _.. mL!?xk~i~"~m~w~~"~... . .. ........... .,.. ............. .................... ... ...... ........ m~~K~H~~~~~~~B~H~R~~~~h~~S~m~~~~~~~& ~a~eyrpwrr~udtrt~m~xtax#~~~~~n~~~on~~~~~x 5 All earnest money paid shall bc applied toward payment of the purchase price if this offer is accepted on or before ............. 6 ......................... 19 ..... ; otherwise. 10 be returned to the undersigned Buyer no later than .............. ........ 7 19 . . and this offer shall become null and void. 4 Uthis offer is accepted, it shall not become binding upon Buyer until a copy ofaccepted offer is deposited. portage prepaid, in $e United SletC 7. mak,addresredtoBuyerat ci.ty. ~f.,M~.Sk~go,,.M.us~,~~~o. City. Ha.!.!,..W!E?. s8.200 Racln~e Ave.. I .Muiuskego.,..lJI. 53150. ....... ..'. ..... ....... . , or by personal delivery therco .. , on or befor This transaction is m.be closed at the ollice of Buyer's mqngagee or 81 the ollice of .. MV.skego .C?.tY .Ha J.1.. . .. i ....... .5&!. 2 .JJ. 19 .&d or 81 such other time and place as may be agreed in writing by Buyer and Selle ! .w.182. s82ao. ,Rasine.Av.e..,. Mv.ske~e,. 1?1.=!cOns.+n I rsamlcM~~ aw,wuiaWy#&=&+X%&%&&, ........... ......... .. ..... ... ........ ...... . . ........ ..... ... 3 ........ .. .. xr~~~Yrwt~u~erxw~~~ws(~wucauMp~Kr~~ucx.. . ... .... ......... ..... ....... ............. ... ............ .. (Caution: Refer to wetlands regulations.) Seller warrant, and represents to Buyer that Seller has no notice or knowledge of any: (b)govemment agency or coun order requiring repair. alteration or correction of any existing condition. @ (a)planned or wmmenced public improvement which may result in spccial assessments or otherwise materially aiTect the propeny. I).. EXCEPTIONS TO WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS STATED IN LINES s8~0 VI. "One ....... ... ....... .... .... ..... i ... I ....... .......... ... .......... ....... ........ ..... ... ... .... ... .... .... ................. .... .. .............................................................. ......... ~~~$-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~ ~~gr~OII~PLeX~~~~~~~YrlG~~~~K) 2 ~~~.&x~xxxxxxxxx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X~~ -.= ~~~~~~oy~~~~pw~~~m~~n~ey~~s~ReX~rR1s~~f~~ 3 mPrrme~~ler~b~~~~aDOb&~IK~Klgl6M~K I ~~~m~~a~~~K~~%~~~~~~~~~X~~M~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I i shall furnlsh and deli;e; IO LuFfor examlnatlon at least IS days pnor to the dale set for closing. WXEWWLdXWSX 4 1 3 aota#ti&axxPm%-x ~Xd@WXXOtM kasrem?€X+%ltnMbM%5U~X J ~~*K~~oc~bt~~~kwKncaiol(o~~~~K~~~~x)ar~m~~p#d[~~YI 1 pravjCkH~~EXW~o[Xk~xbaW%K~~~X 9c~a~~mob#-papWm~rn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CP(rtWU An owner's policy of title insurance in the amount of the full purchase price naming Buyer as the insured, as Buyer's interest may ap a called for by this agreement. except for mongages. judgments. or other liens which will be satisfied out of the proceeds of the sale. I wrinen by aresponsible tide insurance company licensed by the Slateof Wisconsin. which policy shall guarantee Seller'stitle tobe inconcio commitment by such a title company. agreeing to issue such a tide policy upon the recording ofthe proper documents as agreed herein, shall b deemed sullicient performance. 7 If this oiTer provides for a land conuact, the same evidence oftitle shall be furnished prior IO the execution ofthe.Iand contract. and Seller sha J Should Buyer fail to carry out this agreement. all money paid hereunder. including any additional earnest money. shall. at the option ofSellc 4 furnish written proof, at or before closing. that the total underlying indebtedness, if any, is not in excess of the proposed balance of the land wnMo and that the payments on this land contract are sflkient to meet all of the obligations of Seller on the underlying indebtedness. I be paid to or retained by Seller as liquidated damages. If such money is held by Broker. Broker shall disburse such money as follows: 1. To Buyer, ifseller has not notified Buyer and Broker in writing of Seller'selection to consider all money paid hereunder as liquidateddamagc 1 ! 2. ToSellerasliquidateddamages.subjecttodeductionsofBroker'scommissionanddisbursemenu.ifany,ifneitherpanyhascommencedalr or pan payment for specific performance within 60 days of closing date set fonh in this agreement, or; Should Seller be unable to carry out this agreement by reasonofa valid legaldefect in title which Buyer is unwillingto waive, all monc , suit on this matter wilhin 120 days of the closing date set forth in this agreement. ' paid hereunder shall be returned u) Buyer forthwith. and this conuact shall be void. i SPECIAL PROVISIONS: ,. .... ,, ........................ ........................................... J are the responslblilty of the owner of.'the~~fee title such as property taxes J special ..................... assessments etc ..... ! ..... ...... ... ....... I Seller shall remain responsible for all liabilities which ,.... .............................................. ........ ...... ....... ...... ........... . .. ..... ............ ... ..... ... ................ ........ ........ .. ........... Buyerhas read. fully undersbnd; and acknowledges receipt ofa copy of this der lo purchase. BUYERIS ADVISEDTHATBROKE . ~~~. .. ' HAS AN AGENCY RELATIONSHIP WITH SELLER. CITY OF MUSKEG0 1 BY.; .......................... .......... By : ............. CHARLGTTE STEtiART,. .~ler~, I WAYNE G. SALENTINE, Mayor (Buyer) (Buyc I 1 CLOSING OF THIS TRANSACTION. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO SELL AND CONVEY THE ABOVI THIS OFFER IS HEREBY ACCEPTED. THE WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS MADE HEREM SURVIVE TI{ ! MENTIONED PROPERTY ON THE TEWS AND CONDITIONS i OF THIS AGREEMENT. ' ...... .. ...... . 19 ....... ............ i (Sclle .. .. bx ..... &- ...... (If Seller is (Scllt < EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT I Earnest money in the amount of S .. ... in form of . I ............ received from . . , . .... ! xc~unt in Wisconsin, or uansmit the same in accordance ',_ the te!nls of the above oiTer. ............... .. .. The undcriigned hereby agrees to hold same in an authorized real estate tr% ..... ... i) .. ,19. .. BY .. .. , BNL ...