CCR1983118RESOLUTION #118-63 RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF BUYEX'S OFFER TO PURCHASE AND RELEASE OF JANSEN DL:VELOPLIEN'I' WIIEREAS, the City of Muskego has recently closed the sale of certain lands in its industrial park to Lanson offer to purchase executed by Jansen Development, Inc. Industries, Inc. based upon the assignment of a certain as purchaser, and HIEREAS, Jnnsen Development, Inc. has assicncd said purchaser's interest in the offer to purchase pursuant to the attached document, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the Nayor to execute the attached approval of assignment and release of assignor. DATED THIS /& DAY OF , 1963. Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor City or MUSICPKO ATTEST: City Clerk . ASSIGNHENT OF PLRCHASER'S INTEREST IN OFFER TO PURCHASE FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, JANStX DEVELOPMENT, INC., (b,ereafter referred to as "Assignor"), hereby assigns, transfers, conveys and delivers to LANSON INDUSTRIES, INC., n (t,ereafter referred to as 'Assignee"), any and all rights, claims and interests which Assignor might have in a certain Offer to Purct,ase entered into by and betveen Assignor and the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, a copy of said Offer to Purchase being annexed hereto and incorporated herein by reference, including any rights, claims or interest in the real estate referred to in such Offer to Purchase, and Assignee hereby a,ssumes and agrees to 3 pay any and all obligations or responsibilities imposed upon Assignor by the terms of such Offer to Purchase. u Q Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this day of nay, 1983. JANSEN DEVELOPMENT, INC. Assignor LANSON INDUSTRIES, INC. Assignee By: By : s By: By : 6 All Jansen Development Inc. earnest money deposits shall be retained by the City of Muskego an$ credited to the sale price. ID RELEASE OF ASSIGNOR e APPqOVAL OF ASSIGNMENT AN The City of Muskego, Wisconsin, identified as the Seller in the Offer to Purchase which is annexed hereto, does hereby .specifically approved and consent to the Assignment by Jansen Development, Inc., to Lanson Industries, Inc., of the Purchaser's rights, claims and interests arising pursuant to the Offer to Purchase annexed hereto, and the City of Huskego, Wisconsin, does hereby specifically release Jansen Development, Inc., from any obligations, responsibilities or liabilities, which may be presently existing or which may hereafter arise in connection 9 with said Offer to Purchase. Dated at , Wisconsin, this - day of May, 1983. CITY OF YUSKEGO By :