CCR1983105e e RESOLUTION U 105-83 (As Amended) AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF ']'IF FtiPiDS bY)R PURCHASE OF TVYO DIESEL THACTOItS FOIL CITY'S PARK DEPARTMENT (TIF District No. 1 ) WHEREAS, the Amended Project Plan for Tax Incremental Finance District No.One has been approved by the Common Council, and WHEREAS, the city's Park Department has requested permission to purchase two diesel park tractors to be used lor park maintenance, and WHEREAS, bids have been advertised for the two diesel tractors, and WHEREAS, the following bids huvu been rw,t!lvt!d: z ,- J. H. Nedinger Co. Reinders Bros. Wisconsin Turf Co. Bobcat T22 $19,348.80 Toro Croundmastcr 17,934.00 Jacobson 'I'urfcat 16,880.00 und WHEREAS, the Park and Recreation Board and the Finance Committee have recommended the bid from Reinders Uros. Ifor LWO Tor0 Cround- master diesel tractors in the mount 01 $17,934.110 be accepted, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common COuncl1 Of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Park Board and the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the bid from Reinders Bros. for two Toro Groundmaster diesel Lr'acL(n'?; with nnlp On(: being equipped with a mower deck, the other using a lllowct' deck purchased last year, for a total amount of $16,250.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funds for this equipment be taken from Tax Incremental District No. One. DATED THIS &DAY OF , 1983. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mitchl Penovich CLL LrL Ald. Charles C. Colburn ATTEST: City Clerk I, 0 / RESOLUTION #105-83 AUTHORIZITJG THE EXPENDITURE OF TIF FUNDS FOR PURCHASE OF TWO DIESEL TRACTORS FOR CITY'S PARK DEPARTMENT (TIF District No. 1 ) WHEREAS, the Amended Project Plan for Finance District No.One has been approved by WHEREAS, the city's Park Department h to purchase two diesel park tractors maintenance, and WHEREAS, bids have been advertised/for the two diesel tractors, and / WHEREAS, the following been received: J. H. Nedinger Co. Bobcat T22 $19,348.80 Reinders Bros. Toro Groundmaster 17,934.00 Wisconsin Turf Co. Jacobson Turfcat 16,880 .OO and / WHEREAS, the Park and Re,&eation Board and the Finance Committee master diesel tractors in the amount of $17,934.00 be accepted, have recommended the bid from Reinders Bros. for two Tor0 Ground- THEREFORE, i)E IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Park Board and the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the bid from Reinders Bros. for two Toro kroundmaster diesel tractors in the amount of $17,934.00. BE IT FURTHER RE7OLVED that funds for this equipment be taken from Tax Incremental District No. One. / / I DATED THIS DAY OF , 1983. / FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mitchl Penovich Ald. Edwin P. Dumke c Ald. Charles C. Colburn f , ,,,,/City Clerk kj G-