CCR1983044RESOLUTION #44-a3 DIRECTING THE ATTORNEY TO TAKE THE NECESSARY AC'I'ION TO ACQUIRE EASLLIEN'I'S (S. Ikno1)Il I(o;1tl ) project plans for TIF District No. One which included KHEREAS, the Common Council has approved the amended South Denoon Road Improvements, and WHEREAS, the City Engineers have advised that in ordcr to proceed with this project it will be necessary to acquire easements, and WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee and Plan Commission have recommended the necessary easements be obtained, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Lluskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Commission, do hereby authorize thc City Atlorney Lo ~lc:quirc thc ncccss:try c:tscmcnts for t.11~ :;OIII,II II~.IIOOII 1;~~:lIl Improvement Project wiLh I'u~~ds Lo COIIIC I'roln 'I'll,' IJjsLricL Nu. One. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Ald. Mitchel Penovich cLL% cA.L"+/ 7. Ald. Charles C. Colburn ATTEST: City Clerk