CCR1983010RESOLUTION #lo-83 AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF TIF FUNDS FOR PURCHASE OF NEW PUMP (TIF Dist. #1) WHEREAS, the project plan for Tax Incremental Financing District No. One has been approved by the Common Council, and WHEREAS, fund,s for sewers for that project included sewer improvements, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval of the purchase of a new pump, and WHEREAS, quotes have been received fromwtwo different pump manufacturers , and WHEREAS, it has been determined the CH & E Pump supplied by Lincoln Contractors Supply, Inc. would serve the needs of the city in preventing sewer surcharging, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the purchase of a CH & E 6" trash pump from Lincoln Contractors Supply, Inc. in an prevent sewer surcharging. amount not to exceed $9,500.00 for the sewer utility to BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funds for this expenditures be taken from TIF District No. One. FINANCE COMMITTEE &&/fld, d. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. RobefitcKlen Ald. Mitchel Penovich ATTEST: City Clerk QUOTATION LINCOLN CO-NTRACTORS SUPPLY, INC. P.O. BOX ma4 11327 W. Lincoln Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53227 (414) 551-1327 QUOTATION NO. TO City of Muskego QUOTATION DATE Jan- 20, lga3 W182 S8200 Racfne Ave. YOUR INQUIRY NO. I Muskego, WI 53150 QUOTE VALID FOR 30 FROM ABOVE DArE. DAYS ~ LE WE SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING QUOTATION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS NOTED BELOW: - .>Le aumnm I DESCIIPTION PRICE I Ah-2CNl 1 [ CH 6 E 2906 6" trash pump powered by a Ford ~. . .. .. -~ . 1 8693.00 I 1 300, 6-cylfnder gasoline engfne, trailer - .- . ~ ~.. .. 1 mounted, per attached specfffcatfons. .. - - 1 6" X 20' Rubber suctfon hose wfth MU pin lug ._ 1 1 6" X 50' plaetfc dfscharge hoee with UW pin I - I ITANOARO EQUlrYENl UFllNO BAIL WOsE GU*RO SWIVEL lYPE THlRO WHEEL- NLL UP FOR rCWIM = TOTAL HEAD W) - TV IN e E3 - 10 Fl 1310 1320 1310 1340 1250 1150 1210 1100 1 om am 790 550 ZOO urn - . TABLE \LLONS PER MINUTE SUCTbON HOSE 1 JMPAEIOVE WATER I m i 1070 810 I 5700 - 1- E10 570