CCR1983005. RESOLUTION NO. 5-83 (As Amended) AUTHORIZING ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN ON BEHALF OF RESOLUTION DESIGNATING LEGAL COUNSEL AND TO ACTIONS BY THE "SD THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WITH RESPECT J G WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has previously adopted Resolution NO. 227-82 concerning the creation of the Contract community Coalition ("CCC"), and WE-, due to the recent actions of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District ("MMSD") in promulgating certain rules and due to the possibility of future MMSD actions and/or omissions, the rights and interests of the City of Muskego have been adversely affected, and may be adversely affected in the future, and WHEREAS, as a result of said actions and omissions of HMSD, now and in the future, it may become necessary for the City of Muskego to protect its rights and interests by participation in formal legal proceedings, including but not limited to admini- strative and legislative hearings, trial and appellate court actions, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego that: The City hereby authorizes the law firms of Mulcahy & Wherry, S.C. and Schober & Radtke and attorneys George A. Schmus and Harold H. Fuhrman and other attorneys selected by designated counsel to engage in all actions necessary to the protection of the City's rights and interests, and that said actions may include, but not necessarily be limited to: a) Continued negotiations with MMSD; and/or b) Seeking administrative agency involvement in and/or c) Participating in and/or commencing 1) an action for review of MMSD actions affecting the City: and/or declaratory judgment involving MMSD and/or any other boundary redefinition and/or 2) an action involving MMSD nsoeesary party with reepect to rules adopted by MMSD on Of any MMSD resolution to expand its boundaries; and/or and/or any other necessary party to contest the validity in and/or commencing any other litigation involving "SD and/or my other necessary party on behalf Of the City of Muskego, either individually, or in con,unction with Other Villages, persons and/or legal entities and to and/or seek judicial review of any order or judgment. The authorization granted herein is intended to cover all Contract Community Coalition. legal services to be performed under the direction of the DATED THIS DAY OE * , 196s. Wayne Salentine, Mayor ATTEST : Charlotte Stewart City Clerk . RESOLUTION NO. 5-83 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING LEGAL COUNSEL AND AUTHORIZING ACTIONS TO HE TAKEN ON DENALF Or ,I THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WITH RESPECT TO ACTIONS BY THE / WHEW, the City of Muskeg0 has previous&'$ adopted Resolution NO. 227-82 concerning the creation of the'contract Community Coalition ("CCC") , and / WEREAS, due to the recent actions of t!he Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District ("MMSD") in promulgating certain rules and due to the possibility of future MMSLj'aCtiOns and/or OmissiQns, the rights and interests of the City of Muskego have been /. adversely affected, and may be adversely affected In the future, 1 Md WHEREAS, ae a result of said acqions and omissions of MMSD, now and in the future, it may becom,e necessary for the City of Huskego to protect its rights and interests by participation in formal legal proceedings, including but/not limited to admini- strative and legislative hearings, trial and appellate court actions, / NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT by the Common Council of The City hereby authorizes firms of Mulcahy h Wherry, S.C. and Schober h Radtke and George A. Schmus and Harold H. hrhrman and selected by dcsiqnatcd coulisul to unyaye In to the protection of the City's rights and qhterestt,, and that said actions may include, but not necessarily be limited to: the City of Muekego that: a) Continued with MMSD; and/or b) Seeking agency involvement in and/or review of "E.D actions affecting the City; and/or declaratory judgment involving MMSD and/or any other boundary redef'inition and/or 2) an action involving MMSD necessary party'with respect to rules adopted by MMSD on and/or any ofher necessary party to contest the validity C) Participating in, 1 and/or commencing 1) an action for of any resolution to expand its boundaries; and/or d) Participating in and/or commencing any other litiqation inVOiVing/MMSD and/or any other necetisary party on behalf of the Sbty of Muskego, either individually, or in conjunction and tolappeal and/or seck judicial review of any ordcl- or ' with other cities, villages, persons and/or legal entities . judgment. / Dated th& day of , 1983. / - / Atteet: 1 Wayne Salentine, Mayor 9 Chaqlotte / Stewart Ciey Clerk /