CCR1982232RESOLUTION #232-82 DENIAL OF SEWRPC‘S PLANNING REPORT NO 33 PRIEIARY TRANSIT PLAN FOR THE NILWAUKEE AREA a has submitted Planning Report No 33, “A Primary Transit System WHEREAS, the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Cormission Plan for the Elilwaukee Area” to the Common Council and has re- quested adoption as authorized by Section 66 945(12) of the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, the plan deals with the provision of primary, or rapid, transit services and facilities in the Region, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has reviewed this plan and has benefit the City of Muskego recommended denial because the proposed plan would not directly THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City Plan Commission, does not adopt SEWRPC’S Planning Report No 33, “A Primary Transit Svsten Plan for the Milwaukee Area”. DATED THIS *- DAY OF , 1982 CLL<C L\L Ald. Charles C Colburn ATTEST City Clerk RESOLUTION #P. C 126-82 RECOPIMENDING DENIAL OF SEWRPC PROPOSAL TRANSIT SYSTEX LJHEEAS State Statutes require that the City of Muskego a review a Primary Transit System Plan for the Milwaukee Area prepared by SEWRPC, and WHEREAS the plan has adopted certain objectives including the lowest possible cost and to provide appropriate service for all residents in the planning area, and WHEREAS the principles and standards set forth in the plan will not permit the southwest planning area realistically to be serviced by such transit system, and already over capacity, and WHEREAS it is proposed to use the freeway system which is WHEREAS the plan studied a primary transit fixed guideway location on former electric company right-of-ways, and WHEREAS a report dated October 19, 1982, by Dr Hangiamele of certain facilities by the use of meter controlled freeway stated that the present system would require immediate addition systems that could serve certain areas of the planning area at a cost to the complete planning area; and wherein he recommended adoption of the plan, and WHEREAS at the November 16, 1982 Plan Commission meeting, it was the concensus of the commissioners that a resolution be not directly benefit the City of Muskego. prepared to recommend denial because the proposed plan would THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby recommend to the Comnon Council that SEWRPC'S Planning Report No. 33, Primary Transit Plan for the Milwaukee Area be denied. City of Muskego Plan Commission Adopted DEC. 7 1983 Defeated Deferred