CCR1982202RESOLUTION #202-82 'i r AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO BEGIN THE NECESSARY PROCEDURE TO ACQULRE PARK LANDS WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Board has requested the Common Council review the possibility of purchasing a parcel of land adjacent to existing park land in the area of Lake Meadows Subdivision, and WHEREAS, the land the Park Board is interested in is described as follows: - part of the SE 112 of the SE 114 Of Sec. 31 T5N R20E - 20 acres and WHEREAS, funds for the expenditure of this land are to be taken from TIF District No. One, and WHEREAS, in order to proceed with this project certain legal procedures need to be followed, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council, based upon the recommendation of the Park and Recreation Board, does hereby. authorize the city attorney to take the initial action that is neceseary to proceed with tho possible purchusu of a parcel of land adjacent to the existing park land in the area of Lake Meadows Subdivision, described as follows: Part of the S 112 of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 31,.T5N R20E 20 acres DATED THIS 26th DAY OF October , 1982. Ald. Blenda Treba ATTEST : City Clerk 10182 je