CCR1982087. RESOLUTION #87-82 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT EETWEEN LITTLE MUSKEG0 LAKE PROTECTION AND REHABILITATION DISTRICT AND BE IT RE THE CITY OF MUSKEGO SOLVED that the attached agreement between the City of Muskego and the Little Muskego Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District is hereby approved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego and that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute said agreement in the name of the city. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said approval is subject to review and approval of the city's financial consultants, Ehlers & Associates. DATED THIS //& DAY OF , 1982. G. Salentine, Mayor ATTEST : AGREEMENT " WHEREAS, the City of Muskego, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the Little Muskego Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "District", have cooperated in past years on projects for the improvement of the District and, WHEREAS, the City in the past has advanced certain funds to the District and acted on behalf of the District in obtaining certain services for the Dietrict and, 0 WHEREAS, until Julv 15th, , 1981, the ,Common Council of the City constituted the Board of Commissioners of the foistrict and, WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has drawn to the attention of the District that they want a more formal agreement between the City and District as to the liabilities of the parties so as to facilitate the receipt of further grant mordes from the US Government and/or from the State of Wisconsin. NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration acknowledged by a each party hereto, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. That all obligations specifically listed on the attached document marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof were at all times obligations of the District although the City at times acted on the District's behalf in entering contracts for services with third parties; that the City acting on behalf of the Dirtrict paid said obligations either directly to the third party or through the District; that at this time the District is indebted to the City for payment of raid obligatione of the District by the City; that said obligations are in the amount of $214,227.41 and that said amount is due to the City on the 31st day Of December , 1982. 2. That if this agreement is not executed upon the proper authqrization by both government unitr on or before the 31st day of May , 1982, it shall be null and void. Dated this day of , 1982. CITY OF MLSKECO LITTLE MUSKEG0 LAKE PROTECTION 6 REHABILITATION DISTRICT By : By : - By : " By : . .. .. " EXHIBIT A " Sunnnary of Charges - Dredging Project - Little Muskego Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District I) Reimbursement Claims Submitted to DNR Date Submitted Amount a) 4/23/78 $ 30,718.99 b) 4/12/79 27,859.84 c) 9/05/80 24,937.68 d) 9/29/81 148,354 19 Total Amount $ 231,870.10 11) Expenses not included in Item I/ I Date Check # Payee Amount 2/28/76 5361 Acco Bristol $ 1,000.49 7/30/76 6336 6444 her. Chain & Cab le 1,000.49 3/31/76 5457 Strand Associates 839.17 41301 76 5594 Strand Associates 694.51 5/30/76 5801 Strand Associates 1,137.21 6130176 6112 Strand Associates 2,369.69 7/30/76 6338 Strand Associates 2,239.88 7/30/76 6442 Strand Associates 395.03 1981 Admin. Payroll Exp. 732.18 3/23/82 1093 Strand Associates 73.50 3/23/82 1092 Hippenmeyer (Attorney) 270.00 3/23/82 1094 James Steimel 529.26 5/11/82 1096 James Steimel 364.30 Total Amt. not included in item #I $ 11,645.71 TOTAL AMOUNT OF I & I1 $ 243,516.41 111) Grant Reimbursements Date Paid Amount 5/31/78 $( 15,359.00 ) 9/22/80 ( 13,930.00 ) Total Amount Grant Reimbursement$( 29,289.00 ) 1V)TOTAL DISTRICT INDEBTEDNESS $ 214,227 41