CCR1981114RESOLLTION #114-81 RESOLUTION DEFERKING PAYaNT OF ASSESSIENT FOR LOCATED AT W145 $7644 DURHAM DRIVE IN THE CITY OF COSTS OF SEWER FOR THE IRENE MASCH ETAL, PROPERTY MUSKEGO, COmJTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN (Mahn Property) WHEKEAS, the city currently has a special assessment lien for City of iluskego sewcr-s on the following described real estate located within the The following described real estate in Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin PT NE 114 SEC 11 T5N R20E BD ON THE N BY PROP OF C KURTH SR ON THE E BY E LI OF SEC ON S BY PROP OWNED BY F FOELLINGS &255/588 DEEDS 16 75 AC R284/1298, City of Muskego, ON w BY HY LEADING TO TESS CORNERS EX VOLS 2571118 and The following described real estate in Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin PT NE 1/4 SEC 11 T5N S 71 W TO INTERSEC OF HYS, TH SE TO S LI OF NE 114 R20E COM AT SE COR TH N 20 48 C TO CTR OF HY, TH TH E TO BGN EX CS 15/34 49 147 AC REM R28411298 EX R293/1015, City of Muskego. WIILRI~AS, the owner of said real estate, Irene Masch ETAL, has requested the City to defer said special assessment under the provisions of Section 66 605 Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, said Irene Masch ETAL, has made application LO che city for an extension of time within which to pay the special assessment following that has been levied against said property, which consists of the $16,105.60 - special assessment $21,750 40 - special assessment: $17,394 05 - total assessnient $23,490.43 - tt.1ta1 asscssment 1,288 45 - interest 1,740 03 - interest -~ - and, WIIEI~I::ZS, a moratorium placed Ijn the sewer district IJ! thc city of :4u:;ki:,:o by the DNR prohit)its the developmellt of t.lllt prWc:rLY and t11t:refore the use of the installed sewers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the special assessments affecting the Irene hlasch of certain sewer construction hereby is deferred for a period of property which were the result ten (10) years from the date the previous deferment expires. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that while said special assessment is out- standing under the terms and conditions of this deferment the same shall bear interest at the rate of nine (9) percent per annum for the number of years and under the terms and conditions provided in Resolution #19-71 as if this were the final resolution except that the new rate of interest shall be from the date of expiration of the previous deferment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this action is taken pursuant to the provisions of Resolution #1~-71, As Resolut'on Establishing l';,s:;Lij 'Ill IS DAY OF . . . . . ." .. _" , l9nl