CCR1981113RESOLVI'ION h 13-81 RESOLUTION DEFEKRINC: PAYMENT OF ASSESSPlE.'i'I' FOR COSTS OF SEWER F(JR THE HENhY KUKTH I'NbI'i 13' LOUTED IN THE NOK'I'IIEAST 114 SECTION " I:] Ttli,. CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA. S'l:.'lE (Ji. WISCOI(SZN. - 'W \ 0 i NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the special assessments affecting the Henry Kurth property which were the result of certain sewer construction hereby is deferred for a period of ten (LO) years from the date the previous deferment expires BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that while said special assessment is out- standing under the terms and conditions of this deferment the same shall bear interest at the rate of nine (9) percent per annum for the number of years and under the terms and conditions provided in Resalution #19-71 as if this were the final resolution except of the previous deferment that rhe new rate of interest shall be from the date of expiration BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this action is taken pursuant to the provisions of Resolution 1119-71, As Amended, entitled. Resolution Establishing Deferred Assessment Policies