CCR1981083RESOLUTION #83-81 AUTHORIZING THE RENTAL OF A SAVIN 870 COIN- OPERATED COPY MACHINE FOR THE LIBRARY WHEREAS, the Library Board has recormnended that the present Xerox Copy Machine be replaced with a coin-operated Savin 870, and WHEREAS, rental costs per year as well a8 time spent by Library personnel would be reduced, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee concurs with the recornendation, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee and the Library Board, does hereby authorize the rental of a Savin 870 coin-operated copy machine at a cost of $217.60 per month. DATED THIS /J d, DAY OF I , 1981. 0 I U FINANCE COMMITTEE dtLLgwA?s , ayne a ent ne ATTEST : 3s &ems, tflc. 16920 West Cleveland Avenue. New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151, (414) 782-0360 r REFERENCES - , CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE [BILLING ADDRESS) I '/ - CUSTOMER //(/ji;-A li A),yL', [/,L?,': .: ,.\ I ~ I BANK First Nisconsin of Bro okfield NAME I hi " rich IDATE) ' I - i IilDanv PRINTED rn TRADE Baker & Lavlor Co i%%TURECharlotte L. StewartrlrLE Citv Cler;r 62 S8200 Racine Ave. - i CUSTOMER ADDRESS wl. 4 TRADE^;^^^ ord Brunt. Box 4901 ! Syrnriisp. NY 13221 i CinmATEmP~k p uo, ~ !.?is. 53150 - PURCHASE PHONE N0.6 79-1 2 2 The term 01 this Agreement is months horn the dale 01 msiallalion and will be renewed far successive subsequenl terms 01 the Same length. unku lerminaled bye;theipartygivingnollessthan30days'wr~ttennoticepri~rt~theendolanysuchilem.Atthe beglnn~ngofeachrenewalterm,thechargeshereunoe. be increased (the "Renewal Increase") by the same percentage as the percentage increase in the Index, delined below,.measured lrom the month before In? ng term began lo the month belore the renewal term begins. ./ ". THE ADDITIONALTERMSANDCONDlTlON SON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOFARE INCORPORATE DIN AND MADE PARTOFTHIS AGREEMENT,, NO ONE 15 AUTHORIZEDTOCHANGE, ALTER, ORAMENDTHETERMSORCONDlTlONSOFTHlSAGREEMENTUNLESSAGREEDTO IN WRITING BYANOFFlCEROFC65 /s ~ Alfach Cerlilicale to Order 0 COMMERCIAL 0 0G.k El- CREATIVE BUSINESSSYSTEMS. INC. (CBS REPRESENTATIVE SlGNllUREL IDATE; PRlNTED SIGNATURE TERRITORY NAME NO. OFFICE 16920 WESTCLEVELAND AVENUE ADDRESS .NEWBERLIN. WISCONSIN 53151 ORDERNO. i .INSTALIATION ADDRESS I NAME 1' 1,c 1- nnn Dl~hl >c ' T' I~TATTI I ADDRESSU~O oa,.d7,P > ., i I t r.7; qn 2 CITYISTATWZIP~~,,~'~~~~ Y, - ,.Ira DEPT. KEY OPERATOR Ant Frndp DELIVERI '1 . /! PHONEN0.e 7 T?n DATE .