CCR1981020WSOLUTION 1120 -81 ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BID FOR NEW SQUAD CARS WHEREAS. htds have been advertised for four (4) new 1981 model squad cars, and a - WHEREAS, the following bids have been received e nuas Darrow-Uaukerha 1981 Chryaler I.ebaon $31,461.60 S2:.3h1.60 56,090.90 Trade In elloumce per unlt 51.775.00 Per 4 cara 57.100.00 DodRe Citv-uauwatosa 1981 Dodge Dlplomac Salon $10.156.00 2?4,j56.00 56,139.00 Trade in allowance per unlt 5I.LO0,UO Per 4 cnrs 5;,5r,O.on Hlller Frrd Inc. 19RI Ford LTO Trade In allowance per unit 51.JOO.00 Per L cars CS,?On.OO SJZ,U~I~ 00 V~,Y,IO.OO 57.4~0.~ or yayla,r Chrysler in the amount of $22,047 00 for fuur new Wll;l:l;;~!:, he Finance Committee has recornended that. thv ltrv I>id 1981 model squad cars be accepted. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Counci I of rhe City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the tinance Corn i tree, docs hereby accept the low bld uf K1yf;tir CllrysI,:r in Llle mounL uf $22,047 00 Cor four (4) new 1Y81 model squad cars BE IT FUHltiER RESOLVED that the Clerk-Comptroller be auLhorikccl to execute tl18. necessary legal documents in t.hc name of the city DATED TllI S " DAY OF , 1981 "- ATTEST