CCR1980195. RESOLUTION #195-80 (AS AMENDED) DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PLACE 4- REFERENDUM ON THE APRIL 7. 1981 SPRING ELECTION BALLOT PERTAINING TO THE HIRING OF AN ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEEAS, several months ago Mayor Jerome Gottfried appointed a cornittee entitled, Citizens Government Structure Cormittee, and WHEREAS, the charge to them was to (1) determine whether or not the city should change to an administrator type of government, (2) whether or not there should be a fulltime Mayor, (3) whether or n'ot the offices of assessor, clerk,and treasurer should be appointed rather than elected, (4) are the salaries of the elected officials adequate? (5) should our .. present form of government remain the same as it is?, and WHEREAS, the committee submitted to the Mayor a minority the City of Muskego remain as it is and a majority report which report which recommended that the structure of government in urged the development of an administrator form of government, and WHEREAS, the Government Structure Committee agreed that if any change in the structure of government for the City of Muskego were to be made it should be as a result of a referendum, and WHEREAS, the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee determined a decision for referendum should be made by the entire Council and not their committee and therefore have sent the question to the Council. without recommendation, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego declares that there shall be a referendum at the election to be held in April of 1981 on the following question: Should the City of Muskego go into a .full time administrator type of government? e DATED THIS . .. - DAY OF , 1980 - 9 ATTEST : City Clerk 111 80 je RULES, LAWS & 0RDINP.NCE COMNITTEE Ald. Richard M. Knudsen Ald. Wayne Radtke . RESOLUTION #195-80 DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PLACE A- REFERENDUM ON THE APRIL 7, 1981 SPRING ELECTION BALLOT PERTAINING TO THE HIRING OF AN ADXINISTRATOR FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEREAS, several months ago Mayor Jerome Gottfried appointed a committee entitled, Citizens Government Structure Comqittee, and WHEREAS, the charge to them was to (1) determine whether OT not the city should change to an administrator type of government, (2) whether or not there should be a fulltime Mayor, (3) whether or n'ot the offices of assessor, clerk,and treasurer should be appointed rather than elected, (4) are the salaries of the elected officials adequate? (5) should our .. present form of government remain the same as it is?, and WHEREAS, the committee submitted to the Mayor a minority the City of Muskego remain as it is and a majority report which report which recommended .that the structure of government in urged the development of an administrator form of government, and WHEREAS, the Government Structure Committee agreed that if any change in the structure of government for the City of Muskego were to be made it should be as a result of a referendum, and WHEREAS, the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee determined a decision for referendum should be made by the entire Council and not their committee and therefore have sent the question to the council^ without recommendation, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego declares that there shall be a referendum at the election to be held in April of 1981 on the 'following question: Should the City of Muskego go into a city administrator type of government? e DATED THIS - DAY OF , 1980. .. RULES, LAWS & ORDINP-NCE COPWITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Richard M. Knudsen Ald. Wayne Radtke ATTEST : City Clerk 11/80 je