CCR1980190RESOLUTION #190 -80 RESOLUTION APPROVING PARTICIPATION IN THE WAUKESHA COUNTY FEDERATED LIBRARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has been requested to consider becoming part of a county federated library system, and WHEREAS, such a system could encourage increasing use of presently are not served by a public library', and library services and make them available to citizens who WEREAS, a federated library system could improve inter- library communications as well as improve the services of existing libraries, and WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego acknowledges the value of a federated library system, and WHEREAS, the Library Board of the City of Muskego has approved and voted in favor of the federated library system, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, .does hereby approve the joining of the Waukesha County Federated Library System at this time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Waukesha County Board of Supervisors approve the City.of Muskego's participation in the Waukesha County Federated Library System. DATED THIS // DAY OF l\/Ci. wj e," , 1980. ATTEST: City Clerk 11/80 .je .Ald, Thomas J. Van Lanen November 24, 1980 .aT0 : h THE HONORABLE ALDEFUEN OF THE CITY OF MUCKEGO FROH: MAYOR JEROME GOTTFRIED Gentlemen: On the 11th day of November, 1980, your honorable body adopted Resolution 8190-80. entitled, Resolution Approving Participation in the Waukesha County Federated Library System. The.Cone of Resolution #190-80 indicates is to "encourage increasing use of library services and make them that the reason for joining the Waukesha County Federated Library System available to citizens who presently are not served by a public library. Also, "to improve inter-library communications as well as the services of existing libraries ." Although I believe that the veto should be used sparingly, I find it necessary to take that course of action in order to give you another opportunity to consider what affect the adoption of Resolution 8190-80 could have on the citizens of this community. Certainly, concern for our neighboring communities who do not have the luxury of library services available to them is admirable However; it .is also true that the people you represent pay the bills and therefore are penalized for whatever adverse affects your action would have. Let us look at what additional library services our citizens would receive if Muskego joins the federated system. #I (1) Interloan of library materials. (We already have working relations with other libraries in the county as well as the an item which is not available through our library that. state In other words, if a citizen of our comunity wants material can be here in Muskego within a few days.) (2) Reference and reference referral service from the headquarter library in Waukesha (That service is already available either through our own library or through Ready Reference at the Milwaukee Library1 Now let us look at what will be absolutely required, under law, within the next three years in the event Muskego becomes a part of the federated library system. e BY the end of the first year of operation the following Services must be had. (1) There must be interloan of library materials among all (2) Reference and reference referral services from the head- participating libraries. quarter library. By the end of the second year the following services must be had: (1) Complete library services as provided by the headquarter library (Waukesha) or the resource library (Muskego), if different from the headquarter library, to any resident of the system on the same terms as the service is available to residents of the headquarter community. (2) Service agreements with all adjacent library systems. By the end of the third year: & (1) There must be in-service training for library personnel within the system (2) Rapid and regular delivery and communication systems. (3) The honoring of valid borrowers' cards at all public libraries in the system by all public libraries in the sys tem. . .. November 24, 1980 I Page 2. Another requirement is that by the end of the second year of its operation the system must develop formal agreements with other types of librari in the system in the area providing for appropriate sharing of librarB Whitefish Bay, who is a part of the Milwaukee County Pederated.Library resources to benefit the cl.ientele of all libraries.. Incidentally, with local libraries and Milwaukee County. System, will spend nearly $85,000.00 in 1980 ofl additional agreements If one looks at the difference in costs for non-resident vs. a reside of Muskego to use our library. it becomes very clear that the taxpayer of Muskego will be subsidizing library services for non-residents. A resident of the City of Muskego, if he has a home with an equalized value of $50,000.00, pays $23.00 per year in taxes for the maintenance of our library. A non-resident in Waukesha County who owns a home with an equalized value of $50,000.00 will pay $5.34 per year for the privilege of using our library service. \ It has been said that because the City of Muskego is in the southeast corner of the county, the number of non-residents who would be interested in using our library will be small. However, if you consider that the population of the Town of Vernon, which has no library, is '5,176 and that there are approximately 3,000 residents in the City of New Bel'lin who would find it much more convenient to use Muskego's library rathe than their own, the inpact on our library could be devestating. Cons lib r -ine the fact that our Librarian. Grant Frederickson. wrote on October 27. ~~~ ~ - 19z0, "Moreover, a separate facility is needed for l?uskego now. The be clear that if iust a small number of the potential 8,mO system will have no impact upon our desperate need for space.n It should users would ~~ take advantage of-our facility, the capabilities of that facility would be overtaxed requiring additional costly facilities. What affect joining the federated library system would have on Muskego's library 'budget is uncertain, however, azcording to Mr. A1 Zimmermann of the Bureau of Public and Cooperative Library Services, state aids cannot be used to replace local funds. Section 43.24(2), Wis. Statutes, specifically provides that financial support through taxes for a local library which is a member of the system cannot be less than the average of the previous three years. In other words, if for whatever reason we would want to reduce the ~~ library budget substantially we cannot do so as long as we are a member of the Waukesha 'County Federated Library System. It has been pointed out that in the event the Common Council does not feel that the city should continue as a member of the Wmkesha County Federated Library System, it can withdraw after three years. However, withdrawal from the system requires a 213 vote of the Council, which in our case is five votes. As you well know, that is not always easy to obtain. Finally, Ch. 43.19(2)(b) of the Wis. Statutes, provides that the Federated Public Library System Board shall have all the powers of a library board given under Sec. 43.58 to 43.62 of the Statutes which would be system-wide. In other words, the development or expansion of the county federated system will be in the hands of a board, the majority of which are not part of an elective process, and their actions are no4) subject to review by any of the local governments who are part of the system. November 24, 1980 As I reviewed this matter in preparation of my veto message, ,it became increasingly clear that €or Muskego to join the county federated opportunity to enjoy the services of our library would be a serious library system in order to give non-resident people of the county the injustice to the taxpayers of our community. I have come to this conclusion for the following reasons: *. The extra service to residents of the City of Muskego is minimal. Non-residents who have no library service would be using our library at many times less the cost than our taxpayers are paying. The nearly 8,000 additional people who might want to use the services of our library would put such a strain on our facil- ities and on our budget that the net result would be the need for an additional facility and higher expenditures for library service. Once a city is a member of the federated system, it is very difficult to withdraw. The state aids we would get are dependent upon the whims of the state legislators - they could be reduced or taken away at any time. non-resident library users. The city would lose most of the revenue we now receive from As a member of the Waukesha County Federated Library System, Muskego could become a part of a potentially burgeoning bureaucracy forced to meet the following requirements set forth in Sec. 43.24(2)(g): "Each system shall engage in continuous planning with the division (State) in developing and maintain- ingthe administrative code rules for personnel and services and on developing the library materials collection to meet the service needs. Such planning shall also include methods handicapped residents, and of furthering cooperative activ- of providing service to the isolated, disadvantaged and I ities among all types of libraries in the system area. ,I e It is for the above reasons that I have vetoed your action on Resolution #190-80 and I respectfully request that you sustain that veto. .- W!02 58200 RACINE AVENUE * MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN 59150 November 12, 1980 I, Charlotte L Stewart, City Clerk of the City o,f Muskego, do hereby certify -that .on-;Nozember 12, 1980, the ,Mayor ,'of the City of ,Muskego submitted to this office, his'intention to veto Resolutio,n #190-80, enti,tled, Resolution Approving Participation in the Wauke'sha County' YFderated Library System, which was adopted\by'a'vo-te of 5 - 2 at the Common Council meeting ,h&l-dTNovernber 11, 1980. i I i ~. -~ I' I I' \ \ '. I \/ ' / ,, > .. .' .am - Charlotte L. Stewart, City Clerk City of Muskego ~