CCR1980153OF THE 1980 CITY OF MUSKEGO CAPITAL BUDGET WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has received requests from several departments of .the city for permission to purchase capital items, and WEREAS, the city does have funds available from prior year's capital budget so that bonding for capital projects for 1980 is not necessary, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that such funds be used to finance certain portions of the 1980 capital budget, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Comon Council of the Committee, does hereby authorize the use of funds available City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance from prior year's capital budgets for the funding of the following portions of the 1980 capital budget by the Cormnon Council on November 27, 1979. BUJLDING INSPECTION Typewriter ' ASSESSOR Shelving Circulating Fan Calculator PARKS- FA RECREATION Garage Winterization Phase I Bluhm Park Park lmprovements PUBLJC WORKS DEPT. Soil Shredder Storm Sewer Oak Grove Sealcoat Mar-tin Dr. Sealcoat Woods Rd. Sealcoat Schzefer Dr. ksphalt \Ventland Dr. 1~:j~scellaneous Reconstruction Martin Dr (3 miles) LI ERARY Shelving & Equipment POL1 CE DEPARTMENT \:'alkie Talkies (6) $647 50 $390 00 S 50 00 $130 00 $1 ~ 000.00 $11,495 00 $12,500.00 $4 ~ 500 00 $13> 500 00 !52,000 00 gs0,000. 00 $1,800.00 52,000 00 $16,721 55 S3,000 00 54,763 .22 S9,000 00 $1 .000. 00 ., :4ulti-Charge Unit Malkie-Talkie Holder .%raps ' $360 00 -4ir Compressor 5200 00 TAC Equipment S650.00 Landscaping '55 I 000.00 1h;S)USTRIAL PARK Completion of the well $7.000.00 DATED THIS 7 DAY OF dhw- , 1980 ATTEST : Ald. Michael B. Weed Ald. Wayne Radtke - City Clerk RESOLUTION #153-80 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1980 CITY OF MUSKEG0 CAPITAL BUDGET WHEREAS, the economy of 1980 requires that the capital budget originally adopted in December of 1979 be revised, and WHEREAS, the city does have funds available from prior year's capital budget so that bonding for capital projects for 1980 is not necessary, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that certain amendments to the 1980 capital budget be made, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby amend the capital budget for 1980 as follows BUILDING INSPECTION Typewriter . $647 50 ASSESSOR / PARKS & RECREATION PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. LIBRARY POLICE DEPARTMENT IIDUSTRIAL PARK Shelving Circulating Fan Calculator $390 00 $ 50 00 $130.00 Garage Winterization $1,000 00 Phase I Bluhm -Park $70,000 00 Park Improvements $11,495.00 Soil Shredder Storm Sewer Oak Grove Sealcoat Mar-tin Dr. Sealcoat Woods Rd. Sealcoat Schaefer Dr. Asphalt \Ventland Dr. Miscellaneous Reconstruction Martin (3 miles) $1,800.00 $12,500.00 $13,500 00 $4,500 00 $2,000.00 $3,000 00 $2,000.00 Dr. $16,721.55 Shelving & Equipment $4,782. -22 Walkie Talkies (6) w,aoo 00 Multi-Charge Unit $1,000.00 Walkie-Talkie Holder Straps $360.00 Air Compressor $200.00 TAC Equipment $650.00 Landscaping $5,000.00 Completion of the well $7,000.00 DATED THIS DAY OF , 1980 * FINANCE COhIMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke ATTEST Ald. Michael B. Weed City Clerk 8/80 je Ald. hayne Hadtke