CCR1980150RESOLUTION #150-80 ESTABLISHING THE NUMBER OF POLL WORKERS FOR THE FALL ELECTIONS '' WHEREAS, ON THE 11th day of March , 1980 the Common Council adopted Resolution # 48-80 , Establishing the number of poll workers for the year 1980, and WHEREAS, the City Clerk-Comptroller has recommended that the, number be reduced to three for the Primary Election to be held on November 4, 1980 election, September 9, 1980 and that five poll workers be used for the THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby determine that there shall be three poll workers for each aldermanic ,di.strict for the-September 9, 1980 primary election for each aldermanic district and five poll workers for the November 4, 1980 general election. b -- DATED THIS ATTEST : e City Clerk