CCR1980121RESOLUTION $1121-80 (As Amended) APPROVAL OF VARIOUS LICENSE APPLICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR THE LICENSING PERIOD JULY 1, 1980 to JUNE 30, 1981 WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has received applications July 1, 1980 which applications are attached and made a for the various licenses requiring renewal as of part of this resolution by reference, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended to the Common Council approval of said applicants, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recomnendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the applications for various licenses for the year 1980-1981 which are with the exception of the Swimming Beach Permit and attached and are a part of this resolution by reference, Waterway Marker for Steven Oschmann at W156 S7901 Ladwig Drive. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Class B Fermented Malt Bev- erage and Intoxicating Liquor License granted to Audrey Oschmann is subject to the condition that Steven Oschmann not be permitted to manage her establishment or tend bar. DATED THIS 10th DAY OF June , 1980. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Michael B. Weed ATTEST : Ald. Wayne Radtke -. " CITY OF hfUSKEG0 The Following have applied for a Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License for the year 1980-81 in the City of Muskego ~ 8 Amann, Daniel P. SI10 \V20845 S. Denoon Rd., Muskego B & N Country Squire LTD, Betty Meehan, Agt ,572 Wl6373 Janesville Rd., Muskego koadwick, Doris & George W191 S6409 Hillendale Dr., Muskego Caesar, Molly W173 S10626 hluskego Dam Rd., Hales Corners Giese, Gordon S76 W17957 Janesville Rd., Muskego Club 24, Inc., Wm D. Glynn Agt. S66 W14475 Janesville Rd., Muskego Cirillo, Consiglio W172 S7505 Lannon Dr., Muskego Cole, Evelyn S85 W21175 Janesville Rd., Muskego Clifford's Food Services, Inc., Timothy Glynn, Agt. S76 W17745 Janesville Rd., Muskego Collins, Jacqueline W143 57922 Durham Dr., Hales Corners El Dorado Retreat, Inc., John Gavin Agt. W156 S7901 Ladwig Dr., Muskego Giesegh, Joseph W180 S7808 Pioneer Dr., Muskego Dentice, John W125 59706 N. Cape Rd., Hales Corners Jaraczeulski, Jerome \\I152 58686 Racine Ave , Muskego Kafura, Mary S90 \V13970 Boxhorn Dr. , Hales Corners litsch Kuglitsch Alpine Lanes of Muskego, Inc., Mark M. Kug S80 h'18700 Apollo Dr., hluskego hluskego Lakes Corporation, Scott Krause, Agt. SlOO \Y14020 Loomis Rd., Hales Corners, \Vi. Lavery , Coreen W194 57060 Hillendale Dr., hluskego $Dixon, Donald W198 S10857 Racine Ave., Muskego Lembezeder Cook Post 8171 VFW, Thomas Couture, Agt. S83 W20778 Janesville Rd., hluskego Lucht, Richard W171 57260 Lannon Dr., Muskego Parkmastess Attractions, Inc., Willard Masterson, Agt. 576 W17708 Janesville Rd., Muskego hlather Emmett R180 S7881 Pioneer Dr., hluskego =- hlei'nen, Elaine -. a. ~145 ,58016 Schultz La., Hales Corners Molkentin, Delvin "124 SI1093 Union Church Dr., Hales Corners Muskego Moose Lodge #1057, George Slaby, Agt. 0 S86 "21693 W.. Janesville Rd., Muskego Mori.n, Charles 578 \V16355 \Voods Rd., Muskego schmann, Audrey 191 S7690 Racine Ave. Muskego b Pankowski, Eugene S9850 W12532 Loornis Dr., Hales. Corner's Posielenzny, Sandra 564 W18295~ Martin Dr. , hluskego Schaupberg, Paul & Richard as Partners S66 W14512 Janesville Rd., Muskego Schkeryantz, Agnes W102 S19570 Kelsey Dr., Muskego Schirnming, Lulu Belle * $76 1\'18040 Janesvi.lle Rd., Muskego ~ Hunters Nest Black Duck Gun Club, Inc., Alvin ~irnon, ~gt. S80 W14401 Schultz La., Hales Corners Sobek, Eugene s79 \V16419 I\'oods Rd., Muskego Welch, Robert W126 $9218 N. Cape Rd., Hales Corners. Weber, Teresa S67 \\'14831 Janesvklle Rd., Muskego The following have applied for a <lass "A" Fermented Malt Beverage Nancy Jean Ahles - W125 S9853 N. Cape Rd., Hales Corners, Wi. Sentry Food Store - S74 W16890 Janesville Rd., Muskego Pick N Save - S75 W17301 Janesville Rd., Pluskeg0 pump & Save - S75 W17226 Janesville Rd., Nuskego @ The following have applied for a Class "A" Felmrnted Malt Beverage & Intoxicating Liquor License Jean Gilbert - S76 W18180 Janesville Rd., Muskego Lawrence Fisher - S75 W17308 Janesville Rd., Muskego Gary Anderson, Agt. for Ludwig Brothers - S107 W16311 Loomis Rd., Skodras Evangelos - S63 W18603 Martin Dr., Muskego Neome Schaumberg - S66 W14544 W. Janesville Rd., Muskego The following has applied for a Class "€3" Felmented Nalt Beverage ,$ Pizza Hut of Suburban Milwaukee - S73 W16730 Janesville Rd., Muskego Xary Hanzel, Agt. The fol1ob:ing have applied for a Swiming Beach Permit & Waterway Marker rPL?n%ae4d P.. 'A mann - ??L8rn784Y S . Denoon' Rd., 8uskego cime Ave. Muske o Steve Oschmann - W156 S7901 Ladwig Dr., Muskego 1 on - Kl The following have applied for a Trap Shoot License Julius Caesar - W S Muskego Dam Dr., Muskego Richard Bennett, iz?. ,';%h6orns Big Muskego Gun Club, S90 W13960 Boxhorn Alvin E. Simon - 580 W14401 Schultz La., Hales Corners Muskego, Wi. .- The following has-applied for a Wholesale Fermented Malt Beverage Licens Gumieny Beer Distributors, Inc., Robert Gumieny, Agt. S81 W18475 Gemini Dr., Muskego 'e 1 4. RESOLUTION #121-80 //" APPROVAL OF VARIOUS LICENSE APPLICATIONS /' FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR THE LICENSING / PERIOD JULY 1, 1980 TO JUNE 30, 1980 WHEREAS, the City of Muskego for the various licenses requiring July 1, 1980 which applications are a part of this resolution by WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has Common Council approval of said applicants, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Corpon Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approbe the applications for various licenses for the year T980-1981 which are attached and are a part of this resolution by reference. DATED THIS DAY OF / :v ,. -,,. - ~ - . , 1980. ,,I FINANCE COMMITTEE / ATTEST : Aid. Edwin P. Dumke Ald Michael B. Weed Ald. Wayne Radtke / /' ,9- The Following have applied for a Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage and Jntoxicating Liquor License for the year 1980-81 in the City of Muskego Amann, Daniel P. sllo M'20845 S. Denoon Rd., Muskego B & N Country Squire LTD, Betty Meehan, Agt. 572 W16373 Janesville Rd., Muskego c CITY OF MUSKEG0 e &adwick, Doris & George W191 SG409 Hillendale Dr., Muskego Caesar, Molly ~173 510626 Muskego Dam Rd., Hales Corners Giese, Gordon S76 W17957 Janesville Rd., Muskego Club 24, Inc., Wm D. Glynn Agt. S66 W14475 Janesville Rd., Muskego Cirillo, Consiglio 72 S7505 Lannon Dr., h!uskego Cole, Evelyn sa5 W21175 Janesville Rd., Muskego Clifford's Food Services, Inc., Timothy Glynn, Agt. S76 yJ17745 Janesville Rd., Muskego Collins, Jacqueline W143 57922 Durham Dr., Hales Corners El Dorado Retreat, Inc., John Gavin Agt. W156 S7901 Ladwig Dr., Muskego Giesegh, Joseph W180 S7808 Pioneer Dr. , Muskego Dentice, John \\'125 S9706 N Cape Rd. , Hales Corners Jaraczewski, Jerome * \'IS2 S8GS6 Racine Ave. , hluskego S90 \\'13970 Boxhorn Dr., Hales Corners 'afura, Mary Kuglitsch Alpine Lanes of hluskego, Inc., Mark M. Kuglitsch S80 \C18700 Apollo Dr., hluskego !.luskego Lakes Corporation, Scott Krause, Agt. SlOO \C14020 Loomis Rd., Hales Corners, \Vi. Lavery , Coreen K194 S70GO Hillendale Dr., Muskego + (198 SlOS57 Racine Ave., hyuskego lxon, Donald Lernbezeder Cook Post 8171 VF\V, Thomas Couture, Agt. S83 W20778 Janesville Rd. , hluskego Lucht, Richard 171 S7260 Lannon Dr. , Muskego Parkmasters Attractions, Inc., Willard Masterson, Agt. 576 W17708 Janesville Rd., Muskego ).lather Emmett K180 S7881 Pioneer Dr., hfuskego .,-x145 S8016 Schultz La. , Hales Corners . hlei'nen, Elaine hlolkentin, Delvin W124 SI1093 Union Church Dr., Hales Corners auskego Moose Lodge #1057, George Slaby, Agt. S86 W21693 W: Janesville Rd., Muskego Morin, Charles 578 W16355 Woods Rd., Muskego Oschrnann, Audrey V191 S7690 Racine Ave. Muskego Pankowski, Eugene 59850 W12532 Loomis Dr., Hales. Corner's Posielenzny, Sandra S64 W18295 Martin Dr., Muskego Schaumberg, Paul & Richard as Partners S66 W14512 Janesyille Rd., Muskego Schkeryantz, Agnes W102 $19570 Kelsey Dr., Muskego 4 &chinminR, Lulu Belle S76 \V180<0 Janesville Rd., Muskego Hunters Nest Black Duck Gun Club, Inc., Alvin Simon, Agt S80 W14401 Schultz La., Hales Corners Sobek, Eugene 579 W16419 Woods Rd. , Muskego W126 $9218 N. Cape Rd., Hales Corners Welch, Robert Weber, Teresa S67 W14831 Janesvllle Rd., Muskego me following have applied for a Class "A" Fermented Malt Beverage Nancy Jean Ahles - W125 S9853 N. Cape Rd., Hales Corners, Wi. Sentry Food Store - S74 W16890 Janesville Rd., Nuskego Pick N Save - 575 W17301 Janesville Rd., Muskego Pump & Save - S75 W17226 Janesville Rd., Muskego The following have applied for a Class "A" Fermented Malt Beverage & Intoxicating Liquor License Jean Gilbert - S76 W18180 Janesville Rd., Muskego Larqrence Fisher - S75 W17308 Janesville Rd., bluskego Gary Anderson, Agt. for Ludwig Brothers - S107 W16311 Loomis Rd., Neome Schaumberg - S66 V14544 W. Janesville Rd., Muskego Skodras Evangelos - 563 W18603 Martin Dr., Muskego The following has applied for a Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage Mary Hanzel, Agt. pizza Hut of Suburban Milwaukee - 573 W16730 Janesville Rd., Muskego The following have applied for a Swilmning Beach Permit & Waterway Marker #anLel p..hnann - %8m784Y S. Denodn' Rd., 8uskego ona d 1 .on - Wl ci.ne Ave Nuske o Steve Oschmann - W156 S7901 Ladwig Dr., Muskego Julius Caesar - W1/3 SI0626 Muskego Dam Dr., Muskego The following have applied for a nap Shoot License Richard .Bennett, Agt., Boxhorns Big Muskego Gun Club, S90 w13960 Boxhorn Alvin E. Simon - 580 W14401 Schultz La., Hales Corners Muskego, Wi. " The following has-applied for a Wholesale Fermented Malt Beverage Licens Gumieny Beer Distributors, Inc., Robert Gumieny, Agt. S81 W18475 Gemini Dr., Muskego