CCR1980120RESOLUTION #120-80 APPROVAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WAUKESHA COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL WHEREAS, the Waukesha County Criminal Justice Council has ment Assistance Administration funds on behalf of communities been created for the purpose of administering a Law Enforce- that make up the Council, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of Muskego for such funds, to enter into an agreement which would make them eligible THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Mayor to execute, in behalf of the City, the Waukesha County Entitlement Jurisdiction Intergovernmental Agreement. DATED THIS /B DAY OF 1980. ATTEST City Clerk WAUKESHA COUNTY EEJTITLEIJERT JURISDICTION INTERGOVEFGitIEIJTAL AGREEMENT For the purpose of administerin? Law Enforcement ?.ssistance Administration funds functioning in conjunction with the Visconsin Council on Crim.ina1 Justice 1981 Criminal Justice Inprovenent Plan, the undersigned, on behalf of their respective units of government, hereby agree as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4 6. The County of blaukesha, the City of Brookfield, the Village of City of Waukesha agree that a twelve (12) member advisory Butler, the City of Muskeqo, the City of Oconornowoc, and the council, as agreed upon by the chief executive officers of these units, shall function under responsibilities which may include policy development, general proqram administration and planninq, and grant review for the area defined by the boundaries of the County of Waukesha and qoverned by the most recent and operational Crime Control Act and criminal justice improvement plan for the State of blisconsin. The twelve (12) members of the advisory council so designated Criminal Justice Coordinatinq Council The Council membership shall be known collectively henceforth as the Waukesha County shall be appointez jointly in such a manner as agreed to by the participating jurisdictions listed above. Membership of components of the criminal and juvenile justice system and the Council shall be broadly representative of the various shall include representatives of neighborhood, community-based, and professional organizations as outline? in tne Justice System Improvement Act of 1979. These appointees shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority. A chairman and vice-chairman will be elected by a majority vote of the full membership of the Council. Waukesha County shall be the applicant for the Entitlement Jurisdiction funds. Waukesha County will act as the fiscal agent for the above- mentioned Entitlement Jurisdiction Grant and will recover the costs related to the distribution of funds. This agreement acknowledges that fiscal accountability shall rest with Naukesha County. However, all subgrantees shall be held individually responsible for the fiscal and proqrarmatic compliance with State and Federal guidelines and any and all audit exceptions. * I. 8. 9. -2- WAUKESHA COUNTY ENTITLEL~ENT JURISDICTION INTERGOVERNb!ENTAL AG.XEEY!NT Action funds obtained throughout the Entitlement Jurisdiction award shall be apportioned to all entities within Viaukesha County and that this apportionment shall reflect a proportionate amount set aside for all areas of criminal justice activities and expenditures. codes will provide a basis for these expenditure figures as It is agreed that the followinq items and their respective Wisconsin's Municipalities and Financial Report Form for reflected in the most recent Financial Report Form for Counties : 20220 20230 20240 20280 20300 20381 21040 22050 22030 22060 22070 22080 22091 22110 22181 22381 31020 Circuit Courts (relating to criminal justice) County Courts (relating to crirrinal justice) Juvenile Court Grand Jury Coroner (relating to criminal justice) Other Judicial District Attorney Criminal Investigation Patro: Education and Community Relations Training Contributions to Policemen's Pension Other Police Jail (House of Correction) Other Detention Other Public Safety (Fire and Police COlnmiSSiOn) Data Processing Services (that relate to criminal justice) Planning and staff funds' awarded to the I.laukesha County planning and clerical staff, and to maintain operational Entitlement Jurisdiction shall be sufficient to provide effectiveness. Additional casts and expenses shall be c!p,"p?<p!?+ I??!?? +.he smnunt of funds awarded by the kiisconsin Council on Criminal Justice. Minimal staff shall consist Of one planner and one clerical position. The functions and responsibilities of the Entitlement Jurisdiction staff include: a) Analyzing criminal and juvenile justice problems of the area. b) Setting priorities based upon this analysis. c) Preparinq and submitting to the State of Flisconsin a sinale, three-year application and any amendments to, in conformance with the specifications of the Justice System Improvement Act. -3- WAUKESHA COUNTY ENTITLEMENT JURISDICTION 1NTERGOVERPlP.ENTAL AGREEIELIT 9. Continued d) Providing for accountability, auditing, aonitoring, and evaluation of programs and projects. e) Preparing and submitting to the V7isconsin Council on Criminal Justice an annual performance report, including other information as may be required by Federal law. an assessment of impact, and maintainina 2nd providing f) Assuring legal and financial responsibility for cor;plyinq with Federal and State laws and regulations regardinq assurances are applicable to all participating units of funds. All Federal requirerents, conditions, and government. LO. Processing of subqrant applications and grantins awards in the following manner: a) Subgrant requests will be submitted, in the ?.pplication for7 prescribed by the 1981 ::isconsir. Council on Cririnal Justice Policies and Procedures, to the Waukesha County Board of Supervisors. The Cow.ty Eoard will forwal-cl the application ' to the Waukesha County Criminal Zustice Coordinatinq Council analysis will be perforned in accordance v:ith the LEAA for staff review and recom.endation. Staf: review and "PRO€ILE" Guidelines. b) Project applications, along with the staff review and recorrmendations, will be presented to the !*laukesha County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council for review and com.en t . c) i'he Law Enforcement Conmittee and/or the Courts and Offices P"-; CC" applications and rake recormendation to tne County Board of -_.._.._ ____ -f the b.T?.&ech;l. Cc~nt:~ Rn=ird brill. review a1 1 of whether to approve or deny all applications. Supervisors which, in turn, will make the final determination 0 d) Applications, when received by the !qaukesha County Board of Supervisors, must, at minimum, receive Coordinating Council staff review an$ must receive, at minimum, Coordinating Council action within ninety (90) days Of receipt of the grant's acce2tance. e) Subsequent to approval of a project application by an applicant, notice of approval and verification of cash match shall be forwarded to Waukesha County at which time receipt of funds from the Wisconsin Council on Criminal the release of funds for the subgrant shall occur upon Justice. -4- WAUXESHA COLTGTY ENTITLEMENT JURISDICTION INTERGOVERNMEiJTAL AGREEMEZ.JT T 10. Continued f) Copies of all applications for suhgrant awards shall be & Comrqission for the A-95 review, and co?ies of all suborants forwarded to the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning shall be forwarded to the blisconsin Council on Criminal Justice within thirty (30) days of final approval. i I William A. Mitchell, Jr., Kayor Clarence Everaid, President e City of Brookfield Villaqe of Butler 8 __ Jerome J. Gottfried, Nayor City of Muskego Joseph C. LaPorte, Mayor City of Waukesha .I Florence Whalen, Mayor City of Oconomowoc Waukesha County Board of Lloyd G. Owens, Chairman Supervisors