CCR1980100RESOLUTION #loo-80 ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BID FOR 1980 ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 4 WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has advertised for bids for the 1980 Road Improvement Program, and WHEREAS, the following bids were received BITUMINOUS CONCRETE - DELIVERED AND APPLIED Payne & Dolan Asphalt Emulsions Lang Engineering Co. Inc. LIQUID ASPAHLTS Prime & Seal Inc. a Liquid Asphalts Asphalt Emulsions Pea Gravel C & K Liquid Asphalt Co. Liquid Asphalts Asphalt Emulsions Pea Gravel L & W Construction Co. Liquid Asphalts Asphalt Emulsions Pea Gravel Wolf Construction Co., Inc. Liquid Asphalts Pea Gravel Asphalt Emulsions $20.85 Per Ton $ .75 Per Gal $24.00 Per Ton $ .78 Per Gal. $ .78 Per Gal. $5.75 Per Ton $ .73 Per Gal. $ .73 Per Gal. $7.25 Per Ton $0.84 Per Gal. $0.84 Per Gal. $7.30 Per Ton $ 945 Per Gal. $ 829 Per Gal. $8 75 Per Tun WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has recommended that the JUK bid of Payne and Dolan for Bituminous Concrete in the amount of $20.85 per ton and the low bid of Prime and Seal Inc.. in the amount of S.78 per gallon for liquid asphalts, $ 78 per galion for asphalt emuisions, and $5.75 Per Ton for Pea Gravel. DATED THIS ,/(3"#?l DAY OF , 1980. ATTEST Michael Weed CITY OF MUSKEG0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS March 18, 1980 TO: The City of Muskego, Wisconsin SUBJECT: Quotation - Asphalt and Road Oils The undersigned hereby agrees to furnish and apply with cover aggregates, asphalt and asphaltic road oils that conform to the State of Wisconsin Highway Commission Specifications dated 1975 for asphalt and road oils at the following named prices 1. Asphalt Emulsions 2 I RS-1 to 2 I EMULS IONS.. RAPID SETTING RS- 1- 2 I ‘$0.78 per gallon $0.78 per gallon MS- 2 ,R S p3nulsion $0.78 per gallon Aggregate for Seal Coating: (Pea Gravel) Price per ton applied $5.75 3. Added Item: MC-3000 @ $0.88 per gallon The above specified oils to be delivered and applied with cover aggregate shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the Sections 401.2.7, 402.31, 408.3, 408.41, 408.43 and 408.4.5 of Standar~d Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction Edition of 1975 State of Wisconsin Highway Commission. All excessive pea gravel to be picked up before November 1, 1980. PRIME S; SEAL, INC. BY watcr?hx-,-B~5 - ~ .- 523 Elizabeth Street 534-3969 Title President CITY OF MUSKEG0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS b ~ D D F e D March 18, 1980 TO The City of Muskego, Wisconsin SUBJECT: Quotation - Asphalt and Road Oils The undersigned hereby agrees to furnish and apply with cover ~aggregates, asphalt and asphaltic road oils that conform to the State of Wisconsin Highway Commission Specifications dated 1975 for asphalt and' road oils at the following named prices 1. Asphalt Emulsions IRS-1 to 2 \RAPID SETTING EMULSIONS - RS-1-2 73 e MS-2 RS kmulsion 73 iL 2. Aggregate for Seal Coating: (Pea ton applied $7- 2 5- The above specified oils to be delivered and applied with cover aggregate shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the Sections 401.2 7, 402.31, 408.3, 408.41, 408.43 and 408.4.5 of Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction Edition of 1975 State of Wisconsin Highway Commission. All excessive pea gravel to be picked up before November 1, 1980. D 1 D D CITY OF MUSKEGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROPOSAL SHEET FOR BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVING Various Miscepl-ansous Projects APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES :-- a tons SCHEDULE OF PRICES ITEMS WITH UNIT QUOTE PRICE WRITTEN :IN WORDS Tons-Bituminous Concrete Pavement 2" base & 13" surface cources i' MIT !UOTE PRICE :N FIGURES TOTAL AMT. OF QUOTATION It is agreed that the above prtces are to be firm and shall constitute a complete job and that no increase will be accepted on labor or materials for the duration of the contract. (we oed&l agree to start work within 3c3 days after receiving written notice. FIRM p.~ PAYNE '8 OOLAN, INC. " - - B " TITLE ore- ADDRESS Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187 TELEPHONE 414-544-5231 DATE flay 8, 1980 P.O. Box 781,N3,W23650 Badinger Road CITY OF MUSKEG0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS March 18, 1980 TO The City of Muskego, Wisconsin SUBJECT Quotation - Asphalt and Road Oils The undersigned--hereby agrees to f.urnish and apply with cover aggregates, asphalt and asphaltic road oils t- hat^ conform to the State of Wisconsin Highway Commission Specifications dated 1975 for asphalt and road oils at the following named prices, 1. Asphalt Emulsions RS-1 to 2 RAPID SETTING EMULSION% RS- 1-2 b I 2. Aggregate for Seal Coating. (Pea Gravel) Price per ton applied $ The above specified oils to be delivered and applied with cover aggregate shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the Sections 401.2.7, 402.31, 408.3, 408.41, 408.43 and 408.4.5 of Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction Edition of 1975 State of Wisconsin Highway Commission. All excessive pea gravel to be picked up before November 1, 1980. PAYNE & DOLAN, INC. Tit le Pmen t Date Nay 8. 1980 CITY OF MUSKEGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROPOSAL SHEET FOR BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVING :::: -:Various~,Miscel-laneous Projects SCHEDULE OF PRICES tons ITEMS WITH UNIT QUOTE .. PRICE WR'ITTEN T-IN..WORDS ~: Tons-Bituminous Concrete Pavement 2" base & 1%'' surface cources NIT UOTE PRICE N. FIGURES TOTAL AMT. OF QUOTATION It is agreed that the above prtces are to be firm and shall constitute a complete job and that no increase will be accepted on labor or materials for the duration of the contract. (We or (I) agree to start work within J D /A" days after receiving written notice. /"- FIRM NAbE- - py/cq9Q/, ." BY 4. TITLE CITY OF MUSKEG0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS March 18, 1980 - TO. The City of Muskego, Wisconsin SUBJECT. Quotation - Asphalt and Road Oils The undersigned hereby. agrees to furnish and .apply. with'. cover aggregates, asphalt and asphaltic- road~oils that. conform to the State of Wisconsin Highway Commission Specifications dated 1975 for asphalt and road oils at the following named prices . Asphalt Emulsions RS-1 to 2 RAPID SETTING EMULSIONS 2. Aggregate for Seal Coating: (Pea Gravel) Price Date I per ton applied $ 3.30 The above specified oils to be.delivered and applied with cover aggregate shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the Sections 401.2.7, 402.31, 408.3, 408.41, 408.43 and 408.4.5 of Standard Specifications for' Road & Bridge Construction Edition of 1975 State of Wisconsin Highway Commission. All excessive pea gravel to be picked up before November 1, 1980. Signed CITY OF MUSKEGO DEPARTMENT, OF PUBLIC WORKS M TO. The City of Muskego, Wisconsin SUBJECT. Quotation - Asphalt and Road Oils arch 18, 1980 The undersigned hereby agrees to furnish and apply with^ cover aggregat asphalt and asphaltic road oils that conform to the State of Wisconsin Highway Commission Specifications dated 1975 for asphalt and road oiis at the following named prices. 1. Asphalt Emulsions 1 \ 1 I RS-1 to 2 RAPID SETTING EMULSIONS SC 0 - Prime mB Oil .945 I MS-2 RS Emulsion .829 es~, J 2. Aggregate for Seal Coating. (Pea Gravel) Price per ton applied $ 8.75 The above specified oils to be delivered and applied with cover aggregate shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the Sections 401.2.7, 402.31, 408.3, 408.41, 408.43 and 408.4.5 of Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction Edition of 1975 State of Wisconsin Highway Commission. All excessive pea gravel to be picked up before November 1, 1980. WOLF CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. BY Lowell Wolf Date May 2, 1980 rl j78 " I