CCR1980077RESOLUTION #77-80 9- 't RESOLUTION OPPOSING ASSUMPTION OF THE REHABILITATION BY THE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DIST. OBLIGATION AND COST OF LOCAL SEWER SEPARATION WHEREAS, the City of Muskego, although notat the present time under contract with the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, is deeply concerned over the possibility of the Metropolitan and local sewer rehabilitation, and Sewerage District assuming the cost of local sewer separation WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Sewerage District will consider adoption of a Master Facilities Plan on June 5, 1980, and WHEREAS, it appears that the programs outlined in the Master Facilities Plan would include the separation of combined sewers in a 27 sq. mile area of the City of Milwaukee at a cost of $640,000,000.00 and sewer rehabilitation throughout the district at a potential cost of $160,000,000.00, and .. WHEREAS, historically the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District function has been limited to construction and operation of sewerage treatment plants and major interceptor sewers, local collector sewer systems have been the respon- built and are operated, and sibility of the municipalities in which these systems were WHEREAS, historically the Metropolitan Sewerage District's functions have never crossed into other county jurisdictions, and WHEREAS, it would be extremely inequitable for the District now to accept for the first time local sewer separation and local sewer rehabilitation as a District responsibility, thus doubling the project cost, and imposing mandatory cost sharing on munic- rehabilitation problems, and ipalities that have no significant local sewer separation or WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego wishes to express its strong objections to any proposal which would commit the citizens of the City of Muskego to assume a portion of the cost of district-wide sewer separation and rehabilitation, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City whereby the Metropolitan Sewerage District would assume the of Muskego does hereby go on record as opposing any proposal obligation and cost of sewer separation, local sewer rehabilita- Muskego. tion and construction and management of sewers in the City of BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent Adelman and State Representative James Rutkowski. to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, Senator Lynn City Clerk 4/80 je