CCR1980059RESOLUTION 859-80 e I $ e DENYING THE PETITION TO REZONE PARCEL OF LAND IN SECTION 14 FROM RS-1 TO RSM (Former Reef) (J . ..~Huber) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby affirm the recommendation of the City Plan Commission to deny the petition of John D. Huber, dated January 22, 1980, to rezone a parcel of land (former Reef Tavern) from RS-1 to RSM. DATED THIS 7 DAY OF &p'l , 1980. A / yne Sa1dnlt'i-i ATTEST : 4/80 je " .. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE \.le, Euekert & blielke, Inc., registered land surveyors, do hereby certify that at the direction of the ow'ner, we have made this survey being all of the Southeast $ of Section 5, Tovn 5 North, Range 20 East, y of I.lus.kego, Llaukesha County~, Uisconsin., bou~nd;ed and^ desc.ribcd as Commencing at the South & corner of Section 5, thence I.!orth 89' 53' 10" Nest, along the South line of the Southwest 2 of said Section, 260.59 feet to the reference line of Racine Avenue (C.T.H. "Y") Project S SUO355 (3) Department of Transportation, State of Nisconsin; thence North 7" 19' 30" East along said reference line, 2217.30 feet to a point of curve; thence South 82" 40' 30" East, 51.00 feet to t~he Easterly right-of-way line of said Highway; thence Nor'th 21' 39' 23" East, along said .right-of- hereinafter described; thence continuing North 21" 39' 23" East, along of Tans Drive; thence along the arc of a-curve;- 143:48 feet, centerlof said right-of-way line, 220.00 feet to the 'Southerly rig.h.t-of-way line @ 32' 37" East, 143.44 feet; thence North 80° 26' 47" East, 4.07 feet of which lies to the Southeast, radius of 1359.86 feet and a chord bearing to a point of curve; thence along the arc of a curve, 70 00 feet; center North 81" 31' 29" East, 69.99 feet; thence South 6" 16' 38" Nest, 245.44 feet; thence North 87O 54' 03" :,les.t, 270.00 feet to the place of beginning contain- ing 1.23 acres. Thai we have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of the below named owner of said land. That such map is .a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of th2 land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That we have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the \,lisconsin Statutes and the regulations of the City of Huskego surveying, dividing and mapping the same. Dated:>-z5" ki> RUEKERT & IIIELKE, IWC. , way line, 195.85 feet to the place bf beginning of the parcel of land ich lies to the North;radius of 1959.86 feet and a chord bearing North 2 6. FRANK J. .. .,- 5 . J : s-1294 ~ ~ - - RUEKil!T, J:. -' 2 -. - - - - - -" - - -: - V::~J!:ESHA, ~ ps :cq '. \VIS. jo $ %,do' . ... _: 4 2 "f"lrrr,,li,l,,\~\\' - 2-v 'd' % /I QJipJ <> ,,,\ ,,e 01-lt4ER'S CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, as owner, do hereby certi-Fy tlGt I have caused the 1a11d described in the certificate of Ruekert Mielke, Inc., to be surveyed, 0' vlo'ed., Rapped and dedicated as represented on this plat. l4orrla.n 0. Thomas * SHEET 2 of 3 SHEETS