CCR1980028RESOLUTION 1/28-80 DETERMINATION OF NECESSITY (32.05) RELOCATION ORDER AND I a 4 .. ;a BY THE COWION COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WJSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONS.IN, pertaining to the acquisition of ownership of certain lands and easements in certain lands for the sanitary sewer system of the City of Muskego. WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, has determined that it is necessary for the public health and welfare to acquire ownership of certain lands and easements in certain-lands for the sanita~ry s:ewer syst.en of the :City- 0.f musk ego.;. WHEREAS, the Common Council, in order to effectuate said purpose; finds it necessary to acquire- ownership of certain lands and easements in other lands as shown on the project map attached to this Order marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by reference; and WHEREAS, the .City has the power of eminent domain pursuant- to Section 32.05; NOW, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, finds and determines that to maintain a sanitary sewer system it is necessary to acquire ownership of certain lands and easements in other lands as shown on the map attached hereto, made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A" and described in Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof pursuant to authority granted to the City under Section 32.05 Wisconsin Statutes, and the Common Council hereby orders: 1. That the City shall cause an appraisal to be made of the property proposed to be acquired. That the appraiser is specifically directed to follow the procedure itemized in Section 32.05 as amended. 2. That the City Attorney, City Planner and 'City Engineer are hereby directed to prepare any and all necessary appraisals, financing plans, compensation plans and all other jurisdictional documents required under Chapter 32, Wisconsin Statutes. 3. That the sanitary sever layout is as shown on THIS ORDER passed and adopted this day of Exhibit "A. .I A" , 1980. t, ATTEST: "- PARCEL I All that part of tho Southoast 1/4 of Seotion 16, TOM 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, waukesha County, Winconein, deucribed as @ follows: Commencinq nt the Southeast comer of Section 161 thence Westerly along the South line of Section 16, 340 feat more or less to tho point of beginning; thoncc continuing Westerly along tho South lins of section 16 to t)le East 1/8 llne of Section 16; thence Plorthorly along said East l/!i line 960 feet rare or less: thence Esstorly 980 e feet to a pint uhich is 93Y feet more or loss tlorth of the South line oP Section 161 t?tcnce Southerly and parallel to tho East 1/8 line oP Section 16, 935 feet more or less to the South line of Section 16 arAd point of beqLnning ctinhninlng approxinatoly 21.3 acre8. PARCEL I1 ! All that part of the Southoant 1/4 of Section 167 Tom 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Xnakego, wsukoeha County, Nlaconuin, daacrfbad am tollwar A 30 foot strip of land abutting, noaeured nom1 to and lying Hast of tho Eaat 1/8 line of Section 16 from the South right-of-way line of Woods Rod to tho North line of tho folloving describad real aetate,r All that part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16, Town 5 North, Rango 20 East, City of Nuekeqo, Naukeaha County, Wisconain, described aa follwm: Commencing at tho Southaaat corner' of Section 161 thence h'esterly along the South line of Section 16, 340 feet more or 100s to the point of boginningr thence continuing k'eaterly along the South line of Soction 16 to tho Enst 1/8 line of Section 161 thence Northorly along said Eaot 1/B line 960 faat mora or lacs; thOnCQ Eantorly 990 fcet to a point vhich is 935 fcct rare or lono North of tho South line 02 Section 161 thonco Southerly and parallel to tho East 1/8 line of Soction 16, 935 foot mro or beginning contafnlng approxhtely 21.3 acres. less to the South line of Sootion 16 and point of a "- _. 6. c .. > PARCEL I11 D All that pcrt cf t!m Eortheaat 1/4 of Section 16, Tom 5 Sorth, Range 20 hst, Clt:~ c," t:unkuqo, Waukeeha County, Wisconoin, described as follo./s: CGWWI~C~~~J at t:1e i,oint 0: intersection of the Southerly right-of-way lirle of 3003s ?o&l and the Ealt line of said Section 16, said rlght- of-xay of Voctiis Soad being 66 feet widas thence Southwesterly along tho Soutlicrl;. riqht-of-way line of Woods Road, 65 feet; thence South- 6 easterly At riqnt angles to. aforemontioned right-of-way line, 68 feet nore or le33 ts til2 East line 02 Section 161 thence Northerly along tkc Lakt line of fcction 16, 95 feet pore or leas to tho Southerly right-of-way line of XOGY Road and the point of beginning.