CCR1980017RESOLUTION 817-80 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN WAUKESHA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF AGING AND CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEREAS, the Waukesha County Department of Aging has requested to use Jensen Center as a location to provide food services to the elderly, and WHEREAS, it is necessary that an agreement between the City of Muskego and the Waukesha County Department of Aging be executed, and WHEREAS, the program has been of great benefit to the elderly persons in the City as well as from surrounding communities, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of a the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Mayor and Waukesha County Department of Aging for a nutrition Clerk to execute an agreement between the City and the program conducted at Jensen Center for the year 1980. DATED THIS /a& DAY OF F&hd , 1980. !* ATTEST : City Clerk i \ ' In consideration of the mutual covenants herein, !,;aul;esha County Department of .\Zing, State of !Jisconsin, hereinafter knorm 2s the "F'rozran?', having offices at 533 Fiverview P.vmue, and, - located at , 1Jisconsin , hereinafter horn as' "The Facility", azree as follows: 1. %e Facility shal_l provide: a. Use of the dinins and serving area for service area for service " of mals on - from 10:03 a.m. to 2:09 P.m. for elderly participants. b. Payment of utility charges. c. Storaze facilities for equipaent and utensils. d. Tables, chairs, and use of !:itc>cn facilities. 2. TSe Program. shall provide: a. Xeals v'nich shall be delivered 2nd s!lall contain 1/3 mininum daily requirements for an adult. . 5. Recruitin?, trzininz axd scheduling of volunteers who shall be respoasible for hosting, serving_, cleanup, record I..ezpin~:, etc. and shall follo? health 2nd sz~itation procedures. Also, s2t up tajles and chairs an4 ?lace back. in stora7.e area as neecled. I c. Pla3ninc 2nd coordina~ion of vzrious social an2 recreational activities follo..:inz nzal service as agreed, ..!it!l thc ?nroval of The Facility. -1- ' \ $. 3. The Facility and The Profiran shall agree as follows: a. ).!ea1 service shall be open to all residents of the llnited States 60 years of age or older. b. Various rules and regulations recarding walk-ins zay be cstablissed as necessary by The Facility in cooperation wit11 Tile. Progran. c. The parties hereto shall each maintain adequate liability insurance coverage regarding the op2ration of the prozran. A certificate of said coveraze shall be provided on dannd. .. .1 4. ?~iscellaneous Terns. 24-hpjur notice will be given for any activities scheduled after the designated hours. 5. Tlis a:ree+nt conszitutes the entire agree3mt betveen T??e Facility 2nd The Program. 6. Tnis azreesent shall be effeccive 2s of 19 ” and ending: ,l? . HOIIPV~~, eithr ?arty nay at snyrinc during the life of the a;rer:xz~t terr:lilate thts a2rzercnt by g<vina thj.rcy days’ notice to th? oc::zr partv o~E tile in:..n:;on to ?,o so. . _. - 9 !V.TED this 2ay of "-7 19 -3-