CCR1980010RESOLUTION #10-80 EXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO HEAVY INDUSTRIAL REZONING IN THE TOWN OF RAYMOND WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has received notice from the Racine County Land Use Cormnittee that they are considering a request to rezone a 65-acre parcel of land on U.S.H. 45 in the Town of Raymond from A2 General Farming and Residential District I1 to M-3 Heavy Industrial District, and WHEREAS, the city's consulting planner has recornended the city.oppose the request since it could affect the .future development of that part of the City of Muskego lying adjacent to the Town of Raymond and further that the requested rezoning is highly detrimental in character both from an environmental standpoint as well as from a comprehensive planning approach, and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego Plan Commission has recommended to the Connnon Council that the city oppose the rezoning, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of'Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby respectfully urge the Racine County Land Use Town of Raymond that the request to rezone 65 acres of land Committee to recommend to the .Racine County Board and to the located in Section 6 of the Town of Raymond to a Heavy Industrial District be denied. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is the Common Council's opinion that the requested change in zoning is contrary to the long range development plans for that area. DATED THIS $2, DAY OF Ald. Kenne Ald. Wchael B. Weed' Ald. Ronald J. Ford Ald. nomas J. van^ Lanen ATTEST : City Clerk