CCR1979242RESOLUTION #242-79 SETTING PUBLIC HEARING DATE REGARDING THE CHANGING OF THE DENOON SEWER DISTRICT BOUNDARIES \\'HEREAS, on the 9th day of October, 1979, the Common Council adopted Resolution tY181-79 entitled, Establishment of Policy Regarding Extension of Sanitary Sewers (Lake Denoon Area), and WHEREAS,, the Sewer Committee had recommended that a public hearing be held to help resolve the matter, THEREFORE,-::BE -IT RESOLVED,~ .that. the' Common-Counci~l of the City, - of Muskego does ,hereby declare it's intent- to hold a-public .: hea'ring on the- 12th day of February;--,1980- at -7.00 P M. ,. to -. hear ~from~ .interested parties regarding:-the~ changing~ of the^. - boundaries of the Lake Den-oon Sewer--District.-.- DATED THIS 8 6 DAY OF , 1980 PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE Ala. Edwin' P. Dumke" - Aid. Ronald 3. Ford Ald. M'ayne Salentine ATTEST: City Clerk