CCR1979222RESOLUTION #222-79 e e - i AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF FUNDS - WHEREAS, Section 65.06 (6) (b) of the Wisconsin Statutes permits the budgetary adjustments listed below by the Common Council, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that $21,100.00 be transferred from Unappropriated Surplus, Account #32005-000 to the accounts listed below, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of musk ego,^ upon the recommendation, of the' Finance Comini.ttee~,-~,-does hereby. clirect-.the-%it$i; Clerk-Comptroller: :. budget..^. to rnakei3he; following adjustments:.within the 1980-Cityi- T police Department - I i I To - Account 52000-1UO Police Overtime ' $6,200 ~ 00 I, 52000-3311 Gas, Oil 6: Lub 1,400.00 I, 52000-5200 Maint. Bldgs. & Grounds 2,200.00 52000-5300 Maint. - Radios 4,000.00 5200s-6100 Utilities 1,800 00 Tot a1 15,600 00 Account. 57100-3213 Print Materials 2,000.00 57100-5100 Maint. -Vehicles & Equip 1",500.00 57100-3211 Office Supplies 1,800.00 57100-3212 Operating Supplies, 200.00 I, I, Library It I, I, Total 5,500 00 DATED THIS FLDAY OF , 19@. FINANCE COMMITTEE ATTEST: City Clerk Louise Lane being duly swmn. ddh depose and say that he is an authorized repesentative of a newspaper published at .. u'lyS.ke.9?. ................ Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a me .FlFkeg.o. .SW. ............... I .......... tNe copy, taken irom ..... ........................ ....................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ....... - BOOKKEEPER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... !. 7 ..... day & af .. Notary Public, Milrrauka. County Wisconsin My Commissim expires ....... Feb,. 13 . 1983.