CCR1979207RESOLUTION #207-79 AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, Section 65.06 (6) (b) of the Wisconsin Statutes permits the budgetary adjustments listed below by the Common Council, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that $23,394.98 be transferred from Unappropriated Surplus, Account #32005-000 to the accounts listed below, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon.the .recomendat.ion of the. Finance : Committee, does her'eby direct^ the City- Clerk-Comptroller' to make the following adjustments within the 1979 City ! - - Budget From - Unappropriated Surplus Account 832005-0000 $1,722.10 Acct . 4,000.00 6,444.00 28.88 4,000.00 1,200.00 I, It 11 I, ,I 6,000.00 S 23.394.98 0, To - #50700-3212 #50800-2100 #51200-8500 #522,00,;32d2 #58400-3212 #590Q0-9700 #57200-1100 Election Supplies Legal Fees Unemployment Comp. Blood Bank Miscellaneous Debt Retirement Park & Rec Salarit DATED THIS 1.3 ~, ~ DAY OF *&d , 1979 ,. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Ronald J. Ford ATTEST : City Clerk STATE OF WlSCONSll ) Milwa- County ) 1 s. '(SEAL) Patricia R. Schultz being duly sworn. ddh depose and say that he is an authorized repsentalive of The .?uskeg.? .svrl.. ......................... a navsprper published at . .hfuSJCe.w ................ Wiscasin and that an advertisement of which the anexed is a true cow, taken %om said paper. was published therein on ....... hr: .-2z,. L9m. ........................... ......................... ............................ .......................... BOOKKEEPER. Subscribed ad SWM to before me this ... of .. MY Colllmission expires .......... Feb,. 13 .. 1983. ..