CCR1978246a APPROVAC QF FINAL PLAT OF SUNSET FARMS ADDN. #l (Town sf Vernon) WIIEREAS, the City has receCved a request for approval for the final plat for a subdivision ip the Tpw of Vernon, known as Sunset Farms Adflition #l, and WHEREAS, it ie with4n che tbree-mile limit of the City of Muskego and therqfore falls under the eFtm*larrftorial powers of the city, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended to the Common Council approval of the final plat, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED that the Cmon Council of the 8 proposed subdivision known as Srpraet Farms Adqition 61 City of Muskego does hereby approve of the final plqt of located in the Town of Vernon. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this appFoval is subjest to receipt of favprab4e reports froq all 0bjecting"and appzoving agencies. DATEQ THTS 3, f PAY OF A?%), 1978. ATTEST : city' Clerk '.