CCR19781721"" - WHERE Lieut WHERE follo commo THERE City Commi for t Depar - DATED I ~ I RESOLUTION #172-78 1 ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR MUSKEG0 POLICE CHIEF AND LIEUTENANTS I' -4- S, salaries for the position of Chief of Police and nants for 1978 must be established, and S, the Finance Committee has recommended that the ing salary schedules for 1978 be adopted by the Council. Police Chief Lieutenant (2) ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the f Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance e year 1978 for the Chief of the Muskego Police tee, does 'hereby establish the following salaries rnent and the Lieutenants: Police Chief Lieutenant (2) $ 23,432.00 per year 20,192.00 per year / "" FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Paul J. Schaumberg Ald. Ronald J. Ford ATTEST: City Clerk