CCR1978136RESOLUTION #136-78 ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BID FOR WELL NO. 2 IN INDUSTRIAL PARK -_ WHEREAS, it was necessary that bids be re-advertised for Industrial park, and WHEREAS, the following bids have been received: ,fa the installation of a second well in the city's Business/ 3 Layne - Northwest Co. $ 16,770.00 Milaeger Well & Pump Co. 17,415.00 and WHEREAS, the above bids have been reviewed by the city's consulting engineers, Ruekert & Mielke, and they have recommended that the low bid of Layne - Northwest Co. in the amount of $16,770.00 be accepted, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the city's consulting engineers and the Public Works Committee, does hereby accept the low bid of Layne - Northwest Co. in the amount of, $16,770.00. BE IT FURlXER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute the necessary documents in the name of the city. ../i Paul J. Schaumberg Ralph R. Tomczyk ATTEST: City Clerk 6/78 mP TO. THE HONORABLE AL July 11, 1978 DERMEN OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 FROM: MAYOR JEROME J. GOTTFRIED Gentlemen . On June 27, 1978, your honorable body adopted Resolution #134-78 ments in the city to July 1, 1979. We have already reviewed together and Resolution #135-78 which extended the moratorium on major develop- my thoughts on the matter which were presented in my memorandum to you dated June 19, 1978, and I see no purpose in repeating those concerns on all the citizens of the city I have decided to exercise my right to you. However, because I feel your decision will have a major impact consequences of your action. to veto in order that you can have one more opportunity to consider the There is no question in my mind that we all agree some specific action will have to be taken, not only to reduce the potential of hydraulic loading in our sewer system, but to meet the new quality standards which are being required by the DNR for 1979 implementation. If this is true then we must be prepared to implement the recommendations which our consulting firm, Ruekert & Mielke, will be giving us in September or October of this year. If we consider the length of time it takes for a major development to have any impact on the city it would probably be 1980 or even 1981 before a development approved by the city in 1978 is completed. Or, to put it another way, if no major development were approved until the moratorium is lifted in 1979, there would be very little, if any, growth in the city until 1981 or probably 1982. An example of the time it takes for a development to materialize is Marlan Meadows. The developers first appeared before the Plan Commission on August 2, 1977, and it appears there will be no resid- ential development started until late 1979 which means that any tax advantages we would gain from that development would not be felt until 1981. The point I am trying to make is that since we are committed to increasing the capacity of our treatment facilities the extending made we could be judiciously approving developments which are good for of the moratorium is meaningless. While these improvements are being the city so that when they connect to our sewage treatment facilities there would be no question over the capability of our sewage system adequately treating the additional sewage generated from those develop- ments. a reasonably low tax rate and sound financial condition has been partially because of a well managed rate of growth. A two or three year period of practically no growth would seriously endanger our ability to manage the city properly and still maintain a relatively low tax rate and would also endanger our financial stability. As I have pointed out to you previously, our ability to maintain I seriously believe that the majority of'your honorable body must be taken. I therefore contend that another year long moratorium, understands my concerns and agrees with me that some specific action in spite of the possibility of some development in the Lake Denoon area, is not needed nor is it in the best interest of the city and I respectfully request that you sustain my veto of Resolutions #134-78 and #135-78. px+ City of Muskego JJG/je , W182 58200 RACINE AVENUE * MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN 53150 June 28, 1978 I, Bette J. Bowyer, City Clerk of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that on June 28, 1978, the Mayor of’,the City of Muskego, submitted to this office et’s intention to veto Resolution #135-78, entitled, ‘Extending Moratorium in the Northwest District to July 1, 1979, which was adopted by the ’, /I>*”> Common Council ion June 27, 1978. “,,:/[ I AY Bette J. Bowyef/, Cit? Clerk Y City of Muskego I I I 1 ! ..