CCR1978107RESOLUTION #107-78 7, A ESTABLISHING CERTAIN BENEFITS FOR NON- REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY WHEREAS, the Common Council, of the past years, has adopted several resolutions establishing certain benefits for non-represented employees of the city, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of all parties concerned to adopt a single resolution enc.ompassing-those several previously approved resolutions, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of ' hluskego, upon the r.ecommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve of the following benefits for the non-represented employees of the City of Muskego: / GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ___ "" Any grievance or misunderstanding which may arise between the employer and an employee shall be handled as follows Step One. The aggrieved employee shall present the grievance date the employee knew or should have known of the occurrence to the department head within sixty (60) calendar days of the of the event causing the grievance or misunderstanding Step Two' If a satisfactory settlement is not reached as outlines in Step One within one (1) week, the employee shall present the grievance in writing to the Finance Committee of the Common Council A meeting shall be held within two (2) weeks of the receipt of the written request from the other party Step Three If a satisfactory settlement is not reached as outlined in Step Two the employee shall present the grievance in writing to the Common Council A meeting shall be h'eld within two (2) weeks of the receipt of the u)ritten request from the other party 1 OVERTIME ) Time and one-half (14) shall be paid for all hours worked outside of the employee's regular shift of hours except that employees working on Sunday shall receive two (2) times their regular rate of pay. If an employee chooses to take compensatory time in lieu of pay, two (2) hours €or each overtime hour worked depending on when the such compensatory time'shall be one and one-half (1$) hours or o\-eriime was worked. C:? L,LL I R scheduled time shall be entitled to at least two (2) hours work, or Pay therefore at time and one-half (1+), regardless of the length of time less than two (2) hours which they may have worked, provided holve!,er, that such minimum shall not apply to hours v)orked consecutivel~~ Prior to or subsequent to the employee's regular work'schedule. Any employee so called in may be required to work the two (2) full hours Employees who shall be called to work on other than regularly I - Resolu~.ion =i07--S Page 2. HOLIDAYS All employees shall be granted nine and one-half (.9+) paid holidays each year They are as follows New Year's Day Thanksgiving Day One half day on Good Friday Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day December 24th Independence Day Christmas Day Labor Day December 31st - ~ 1 In addition to the above holidays the employee may take an additional day off during the year at a time acceptable to his immediate superior. 1 \ VACATIONS (See Resolution #197-77) 1 INSURANCE BENEFITS I I jJ The employer shall provide Blue Cross - Blue Shield, or equivalent, hospital and surgical insurance, major medical, outpatient, and I "- ) diagnostic. r The employer will pay 100% of the cost of hospitalization and surgical insurance. The employee shall pay total cost of dental insurance Life insurance coverage in the amount of $10,000 00 shall be pro- vided each employee and paid for by the employer The employer shall continue to pay hospitalization and surgical insurance and group life insurance premiums for a period of up to or accident not covered by worker's compensation whose sick leave six (6) months for employees who are absent from work due to sickness has been exhausted. I SICK LEAVE (See Resolutions F219-77 and $17-78) TIME OFF FOR FUNERALS ___" 1 family, up to three (3) days leave of absence with pay will be In the event of the death of a member of any employee's immediate granted. Inmediate family is described as husband, wife, children, parents, grandparent,s, grandc.hildren, brothers or sisters of the employee or his spouse I JURY DUTY a his regular wages and shall turn over to the City Clerk any monies, Any employee subpoenaed for jury duty or as a witness shall be paid excluding mileage, he shall receive as a result of such jury and witness service. PAY PERIOD Bi-weekly . Resolution $107-78 Page 3. MATERNITY LEAVE Employees shall be granted maternity leave without pay for the length of time deemed necessary by the employee's physician to a .a maximum of twelve (12) months The employee shall be allowed to continue the hospitalization and surgical insurance and the life insurance at her own expense. The above shall be interpreted to mean - an employee on leave shall return to work when an opening occurs and. said leave shall continue until such time up to a maximum of twelve (12) months. Failure to accept'said opening and return to work shall terminate employment. The employee may be required to furnish a doctor's statement as to the date the leave of absence is to commence and one as to a return to work. LEAVE OF ABSENCE Any employee who wishes to absent himself from his employment for any reason not specifically provided for in this resolution must make application for a non-paid leave of absence from the city. " " All requests for leaves of absence shall be made in writing at event of emergency conditions, a shorter notice will be accepted. least fifteen (15) days previous to the start thereof. In the The city shall determine whether or not justifiable reason exists for granting a leave of absence. PROBATIONARY PERIOD All newly hired employees shall be considered probationary for the first ninety (90) days of their employment. An additional ninety (90) days extension of the probationary period may be allowed if requested by the department head and approved by the Finance Committee after consultation with the employee. Continued employment beyond the first ninety (90) days, or completion of an extension of probation, of employment shall be evidence of satisfactory completion of probation and such employee at that time of employment shall be eligible for all accrued benefits, retroactive to the date A probationary employee may be terminated without regard for cause and without recourse to the grievance procedure New employees shall be eligible for paid holidays and the hospital and surgical and life insurance programs after one (1) month of employment. /- RETIREhIENT P3OGRAF.I The present retirement program shall continue and the city shall contribute 35$ per hour to said retirement program on behalf of each participating employee WORK DAT All full time Highway Department personnel shall work from 7 00 A.M. until 3 30 P.M. with one-half hour lunch period Monday thru Friday. All other full time employees working in the city hall, other than elected, appointed or supervisory personnel shall work from 8:OO A.M. to 12 00 Noon and from 1:OO P.M. to 5:OO P.M. Monday thru Friday. Ali full time library employees shall work 40 hours per week. Hours to be estzblished by the Library Board Resolution n"107-76 Page 4 WORKER'S COMPENSATION All employees of the city are entitled to Worker's Compensation coverage Any employee who is absent due to ipjury or illness caused during payments for temporary-partial or temporary-total disability, shall the course of his duties and is eligible for Worker's compensation suffer no loss of compensation during such period of absence. The employee shall receive his full regular pay from the employer and shall endorse and turn over any Worker's Compensation checks for temporary-partial or temporary-total disability to the City Clerk. For purposes of this section only, employees shall be considered as eligible for Worker's Compensation payments for temporary- partial or temporary-total disability from the first day of any disability, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 102.43, Wis Stats. During the period of such differential pay, there shall be no deductions from the employee's earned sick leave or vacation credits. This provision shall be for maximum of one year. TIME OFF FOR MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS Every employee shall be permitted up to sixteen (16) hours per purposes when needed. Each request for time off shall be approved by year, with pay, for the purpose of arranging appointments for medical the department head. SENIORITY It shall be the policy of the employer to recognize seniority position will become his seniority date. Seniority for parttime The date an employee is employed or re-employed in a regular employees shall be based upon the actual number of hours worked one-half (5) of one (1) months seniority credit for each full (i e. An employee working twenty (20) hours per week shall accrue calendar month worked). The seniority date will be used in all Computations involving length of service for contract covered items such as seniority, vacation, longevity, sick leave, etc The seniority date of an employee shall be the date of first con- tinuous employment or latest date of re-employment as the case may be The seniority rights of an employee shall continue to accumulate during periods of lay-off, military leave, sick leave, leave of absence and when drawing Worker's Compensation An employee shall iose his seniority rights for any of the following reasons a \',:hen he retires b.If he is discharged for proper cause. c. If he is on layoff status for a period in excess of one (.I) year d Resignation. (Any employee absent for three (3) consecutive scheduled workdays xithout notifying the employer of the reason for absence and who has no legitimate re2son for being absent from work shall be considered as having resigned.) e. Unexcused failure to return to work after the expiration of a vacation period, leave of absence or period for which Norker's Compensation was pzid or failing to report to iwrk viithi.n five (5) days a5ter notice oi recall irom layoff. Resolution +107-78 Page 5. FILLING OF VACANCIES or for whatever reason, the job vacancy shall be made known to all N'henever any vacancy occurs due to retirement, quit, new position, employees by posting The job requirements, qualifications, and pay shall be a part of such notice of job opening or posting. A minimum of seven (7) consecutive days notice will be allowed to permit interested employees to sign the job posting. Qualifications being equal, the employee with the most seniority shall be selected to fill the vacaocy.' prove his qualifications. The employee shall have a ninety (90) day probationary period to LAYOFF AND RECALL .- - "- " 0 senior employee shall be the first person laid off, providing that If a reducti,on in employee personnel becomes necessary, the least available work. ' the remaining ernp.loyees are capable and qualified to perform the The last person laid off shall be the first person re-employed (if available and desires to return). All temporary or seasonal employees shall be laid off prior to a regular employee being laid off. i ! I SAFETY, GLASSES All members of the Public Works Department shall be provided one pair of safety glasses each year by the city, if needed, after approval by the Superintendent of Public Works In the event of loss or damage while on the job said glasses shall be repl~aced by the city. rl DATED THIS ,2-3 DAY OF +, 1978 Paul J. Schaumberg n ~ 1 Ronald J. Ford ATTEST City Clerk