CCR1978076RESOLUTION $76-78 APPROVAL OF CERTAIN CAPITAL BUDGET REQUESTS %OR PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, the capital budget for 1978 has not been adopted by the Common Council, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that there is a surplus in which will be used to finance the 1978 capital budget, and excess of $150,000.00 in the capital budget account, part of WHEREAS, the Park and Recreation Department has several projects which shou1d;cornmence as quickly as-pos'sible, and . WHEREAS., .these projects .and -equipment are bleachers-and new : fencing- at. Horn Park -at a cost :of -$12,350~00~~construction--of .- a bulkhead at .Idle .Isle'.at .$4~000'1~00;~~~the.-purchase-of ..an:-.~ athletic 'field marker -at $400.00-and oneznew~mower to cost $5,175.00, and WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the city to approve the expenditures for these items, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve of the following projects and equipment-which. will be included-in the 1978 capita1;budget-?- Bleachers and fencihg at Horn .Park $12,350,00 A bulkhead at Idle Isle 4,000 00 Athletic field marker 400 00 A new mower 5,175.00 BE.IT FURTHER F?ESOLVED that the Park and Recreation Department is authorized to initiate the procedures necessary to complete the projects, BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk-Comptroller is authorized to transfer $21,925.00 from the Unappropriated Surplus of the capital budget account to the Park and Recreation Department's capital budget account. DATED THIS aJ4DAY OF , 1978. 1 FINANCE COMMITTEE Ronald J. Ford ATTEST. Paul J. Schaumberg City Clerk 4/78 je