CCR1978042RESOLUTION w42-7a (As Amended) .I r+ AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, Section 65.05 (6) (b) of the Wisconsin Statutes permits the budgetary adjustments listed below by the Common Council, and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Finance Committee that several necessary departmental budget expenditures exceeded that amount budgeted in 1977 and have recommended transferring the necessary funds from the Contingency Fund, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby direct the City Clerk-Comptroller to make the following transactions within the 1977 budget: FROM - TO AMOUNT #602.0490 - Contingency 580.0290 Telephone $427.17 580.0450 Print Material 244.22 580.0490 Office Supp. 114.91 580.0560 Equip. Maint. 321.97 580.0580 Misc. Expense 50.59 DATED THIS ag OF qb 7 1978. FINANCE COMMITTEE Paul J. Schaumberg /". 0 . Ronald J. Ford u 0' ATTEST: &%l&d City Clerk , I RESOLUTION 1/42 - 78 I AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, Section 65.05 (6) (b) of the Wisconsin Statut/e,s //.. permits the budgetary adjustments listed below by the Common Council, and . / WHEREAS, it 'has:.been determined by'the Fin'ance dormnittee that several -necessary .departmental .budget,.,expendi.tures .exceeded.. that amount budgeted in 197_7..~and haire recommended transferring the necessary -funds from the Contingency Funtl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Cormnon Council of the City of Muskego does hereby direct the City dlerk-Comptroller to make the following transactions withi? / the 1977 budget: / / / FROM I.. AMOUNT -, c602.0490 - $ 2,229.89 427.17 244.22 114.91 80.0560 Equip. Maint. 321.97 80.0580 hlisc. Expense 50.59 DATED THIS Edwin P. Dumke Ronald J. Ford City Clerk pj 2/78 I FINANCE COMMITTEE Paul J. Schaumberg