CCR1978039RESOLUTION #39-78 AUTHORIZING REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF A PORTION , OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENT OF THE MAHN PROPERTY .I ,I WHEREAS, it has been requested by a representative of the Mahn property on Woods Road to convey approximately one-half acre of land to the abutting existing property, and WHEREAS, the proposed land to be sold is a part of a deferred assessment of the Mahn property, and; WHEREAS ;,:the Aarid..:t:o ..be :divided .-f,rom, .the Mahn , property. is , not .tolbe used for^ residential-purposes, and^^ WHEREAS;..-the Pub1i.c -Sewer Committee has recommended, that,." the above-request be approved, THEREFORE, .BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of hluskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Sewer Committee, does hereby approve of the request to convey~:approximately one-half. acre of land -to the abutting . property ownerof the former Mahn home on Woods Road. BE ITlFURTHER RESOLVED that the approval is .subject--to-the under-standing-t,hat~the'~additiorial-:parcel is :attached to .the-~ origiqaBnlot -and that :'no :attempt ;:of -.r'e.-div:isiori wi1.l 'tie'made.:~- unt-i1 such a time -as .the=balance.,of the -deferment ;is payd in .-- full on the Mahn property (Tax Key #2201 990.) D DATED THIS -tD, DAY OF ?-, , 1978 PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE B Am. Edwid P. Dumke ATTEST. 21 78 je