CCR1978017RESOLUTION g17-78 I ESTABLISHING ACCUMULATION LIMITS OF SICK LEAVE FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I WHEREAS, at the time the city negotiated a settlement with of sick days to be accumulated would be increased from the Public Works Department it was agreed that the number 120 days to 140 days, and WHEREAS, the resolution which established wages for the Public Works Department failed to include that provision, and WHEREAS,..it is ~necessar.y.:for the Common. Council to approve any re,vision of benefits, THEREFjORE, BE IT RESOLVED~that the Common Council-of-the: City of Muskego does hereby agree to provide m to all membeljs of the Public Works Department the privilege of accumulating up to 140 sick leave days. BE IT 'FURTHER RESOLVED that with that exception all other providions of a resolution previously adopted by the Conimon Council rela-ti.ng.:to sick leave-shakl remain ;in force;^ BE .ITjFURTHER.:RESOLVED:-that- this provision .shall -be retroactive to January-1, 1917. . I I I