CCR1978012ATTEST : I I ~ RESOLUTION #12-78 I , (As Amended) ~ , I i AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF TAX DELINQUENT LAND I (Corner of Durham Dr. 6 Schultz Lane) i % WHEREAS, thei Waukesha County Treasurer has notified the City of Muskego that' the following tax delinquent real estate is available to the City should they wish to purchase it: Pt NE) Sec 14 T5N R20E com at NE cor th W 1211 ft th S 441 ft th bgn th N 114.8 ft th N 39' 11%' W136.il ft th S 88O 25' W 14 ft; th S 222.42 ft th N 88O, 25' E 100 Ft to bgn 40 ac m/l R181/771 Muskego City Tax Key No. 2213.988 l and I WHEREAS, the cost to the city would be $300.31, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee feels that it would be in the best interest of jthe city to purchase the above parcel from the county, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Comnon Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the City Clerk to notify the County Treasurer of the city'js intention to purchase the above described tax delinquent !and and does further authorize the expenditure as needed in the amount not to exceed $300.31. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this action is subject to the approval of the City !Attorney. I I FINANCE COMMITTEE A L.GDd Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Paul J. Schaumberg - 0 ..Y& Ald. Ronald J. @d ~~ City Clerk Y WHEREAS of Musk is avai and - 1 WHEREAS WHEREAS best in the-cou THEREFO of :..PlfuSI does.. he Treasur tax del as need DATED T RESOLUTION #12-78 / AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF TAX DELINQUENT LAND' (Corner of Durham Dr. & Schultz Ln#) / / the Waukesha County Treasurer has nyti'fied the City o that the following tax delinquen,t real estate ble to the City should they to purchase it: Pt NE+ Sec 14 .T5N R20E Corn at/NE cox th W 1211..- ft ;th -S 4-4X 'ft "th bgn :th 'N u4.'8 .ft ~th-.N. .390"13'~ W136 ..I ft :th !'S. 8802553 14 3t ;2th 1s 222:.?42LXlf.t :.th"t N 88025~1. 3 100 :$?t It0 :bgh.r27 . 40 ;ac=~~/l!;R181/..771~';~ Muskego ,City iTaZXey:rJo IL-2213'.'988'."': the cost to the city would be $300.31, and the Finance Committee feels that it would be in the rest of the city to purchase the above parcel from Y. I-,-BE~IT1RESOLVED~lhat~~~he,i%onimon-=~~ounc-i1-rof~~the~City '0,. upon.-the":recommendat.i.on of :the ;Finance Committee ;;- by. author.ize :the -City -Clerk-rto mot;ify ;the-County.- quent land and-does ur her authorize the expenditure of .the-city'.s. intent '. n .to :purchase -the-.above described in the amount not t / cJy $300.31. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Paul . J. .Schaumberg . . Ald. Edwin P. Dumke