CCR1978011RESOLUTION #11-78 . ." J. APPROVAL OF RENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN WILLIAM KRAKLOW AND CITY OF MUSKEG0 7 \r WHEREAS, there is additional space needed by the Park and recreation Department and the Public Works Depart- ment for storage of equipment, and WHEREAS, Mr. William Kraklow, owner of a barn located at S66 W19;678 Tans Drive, has' agreed to rent the building to (he city, and ~ WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that the council, attached rental agreement be approved by the Common THEdEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Codittee, does hereby authorize the Mayor the City Clerk to e,xecute a rental agreement between William Kraklow and ithe City of Muskego for a building owned by him located at S66 W9678 Tans Drive at a cost of $125.00 per month. , BE I,T FURTHER RESOLVED that said agreement shall be effective Jandary 1, 1978. I FINANCE COMMITTEE d&"& A1 . dwin P. Dumk Ald. Paul J. Schaumberg ATTEST. I RENTAL AGREEMENT ITH IS AGREEMENT is made between WILLIAM KRAKLOW, hereinafter referred $0 as Landlord, and the CITY OF MUSKEGO, hereinafter referred to as Tenant. 1 The Landlord hereby rents to the Tenant that certain pole barn located at S66 W19678 Tans Drive, in the City of Muskego, Wis- consin, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto, and I tenancy is,for I the purpose of the storage of vehicles and equipment ! ' the use of1 the area immediately surrounding said pole barn. The only. The tenancy shall commence on the 1st day of January I 1978 and continue on a month-to-month basis, and shall be subjec-t to terminatioi by--a thi.r.ty..(,30) day notice -given-by-either-partyto the- other.:~in accordancecw i th theL~W isconsi~n-:Statutes.. - I I 3he"Teriant ;i.s :sol.ely responsible .for: .the.:stor.age:ofI.any--of" its..equipment?.upon-the .propertyrand shal I maintain the premises-in the .same-cdndit ion as --i t is at the commencement of this I ease, reasonable \wear and tear accepted. The Landlord shal I not be responsible; for any damages sustained by the Tenant to any of its property or1 equ ipment. The. rentaI,.for ,the premkes shaI:I. i3e.the sum- of $125.00 tv .Five Dol lars per month, payabl~e on or" I -( " -+ ??Et :=-~day.Af each d month-; commenc i ng with the Is' day of February "r I" 1978. Dated this day of I 1978. 1- I ,- F c 1 I WILLIAM KRAKLOW, Owner & Landlord I Daited th is day of I I978 , pursuant to Resolution No. ! ! C ITY OF MUSKEG0 By : JEWE 3. GFFRIED, M yor By: BETTE J. BOWYER,"CIerk