CCR1978009I RESOLUTION #9-7a I I RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENFORCEMENT .OF LIB~RY I REGULATIONS BY CHIEF LIBRARIAN WHERE AS^, the problem of overdue books and return of other the cit8y, and library1 property or materials has become a problem within I WHEREAS!, the city.has deemed it advisable that the Chief Librari.an:~ber:giv.en-lauthority-.to~~enforce-.ordinances,-impos~~ng_- fine%::for-'kviolat:iOn.:of -Ithe'city:.ordin'ance .r.elating,to propellt-y-" 0wnedsb.y ~the:,il-ib~~:ry;-.ar,~=d~~~sircontrcrl;;l~~- I NOW;:~~TH~REFDBE,-;-BE~~I~T :RESOLYED.-;ltha~:r.the.-City-;of .Mushego.:Gc Librarian!-is '.herebg-~author:izea~;to ~isSue::citations. pursuant; to Sect+on :I. 06-(10): of the. Municipa-l-:Code.rfar~ violation of Chapter 9.26 relating to the taking or the retention of library! property or other property under its control. DATED "[IS DAY OF ";Po -k , 1978. O-VdQ & Ald. Raypfond R. Wallner ATTEST: I I