CCR1978000BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 AND PROPOSED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THE POLICE DISPATCHERS UNIT, LOCAL 2414, AFSCME, AFL-CIO April 20, 1978 1. ARTICLE IX, HOLIDAYS, Section 9.01: Improve the schedule of paid holidays by making the day before New Years Day a full day holiday and one floating holiday to be taken at a mutually agreed upon time pro- vided, however, that the employee may elect to take eight (8) hours of pay at the regular straight-time rate in lieu of such holiday. 2. ARTICLE XV, WORKMEN'S COMPENATION: (b) Revise Section 15.02 by adding th2 following to the first sentence: 'I. . . up to a maximum of one (1) year." 3. ARTICLE XVIII, INSURANCE: Revise Sections 18.01 and 18.02 to read as follows: "Section 18.01 The Employer shall provide hospital and sur- gical insurance, major medical, outpatient, and diagnostic during the term of this Agreement, provided, however, that should the Employer elect to change the current insurance carrier, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, the Employer will agree to bargain such change with the Union first." "Section 18.02 The Employer will pay up to $41.90 per month toward the cost of a single plan of hospital and surgical insurance and up to $110.58 per month toward the cost of a famjly plan. " 4. ARTICLE XX, 13UES DEDUCTION: - Change Sections 20.01 and 20.02 to read as follows: "Section 20.01. - Fair Share Aqreement: Subject to the pro- visions of subsection (4) below, a fair share agreement shall he implemented as hereinafter set forth. “A. 1leprc:sentation : The U!I~ oil, as the exclusivc representative ”- of a1.1 of the emplcyeeF! i!l the barqaining unit, shall repre- sent a11 such enlployee.q, l~10tl: LIl?.i.on and non-Uni.on, fai.rly and equally; and all ci::;lloyees in the bargaining unit shal.1 be required to pay thej~r proportionate share of the costs 02 such representation as set forth in this Article. B. Membe1-sliip: No employee shall be required to join the Union, but membership in the Union shall be made available to all employees tdmaFpiy, consistent with the Constitu- tion and By-Laws of the Union. No employee shall be denied Union membership on the-: basis of race, creed, color, Sex, handicap, age, or national origin. C. Payroll Deduction: The E.n~!.ox.’or shall deduct from the first paycheck of each month an ar.sunt, certified by the Treasurer of Local 2414 as the uniform dues required of all Union mem- bers, from the pay of each employee in the bargaining unit. With respect to newly hired employees, such deduction shall commence on the month followincj the completion of the ninety (90) work day probationary period. D. Administration: The aggregate amount so deducted, along with an itemized iist of the ernp1.oyees from whom such deductions were made, shall. be forwarded to the Treasurer of Local 2414 within ten (10) days of the date such deduc- tions were made. Any chanqes in the amount to be deducted shall be certified. to the Employer by the Treasurer of Local 2414 at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such change. Tile Elnployer shzll not be required to submit any amounts to the Union under the provisions of this Article on behalf of employees otherwise covered who are on layoff, leave of absence, or other status in which they receive no pay for the pay period normally used by the Employer to make such deductions. .. E. Inadvertence or Error: If, through inadvertence or error, the Ernplover fails or ne:~I.ects to make a deduction which is - proper1.y due and owing from an employee‘s paycheck, such deduction shall be made from the next paycheck of the employee and submitted to the collective bargaining representative. F. LndcmniCication ilnd 1lo1.d ~r?~r~nlcr;s 1’rovj.r;ion: Thc collect- j.VC bilrr~air11.11q ~rcprcscl~ttr~ive r;ll;lll indclltil:y and save the E1nployc.r harmless ayainst any and a11 claims, demand:;, suits, orders, judgerncnts, or other form of 1iab.il.ity that sha1.l arise 011k of, or by rcason of, act.i.on tal-cn or not taken by thc E:llr])loycr undcr khis section. ”. - ”” -2- ”. . , .. G. Referendum: The fair share agreement as set forth herein shall become effective on the first day of the month which falls at least fifteen (15) calendar days from the date that the results of a successful refer- endum vote have been certified by the Wisconsin Employment Relations Co~~~mission. The parties hereto shall jointly petition th? Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission to conduct such a referendum vote among all employees in the bargaining unit as of April 19, 1978, except such employees who quit or are discharged for cause prior to the date of conduct of the referendum. The above-named referendum shall require unit in order to be implemen~ted." a majority approval of the employees in the bargaining Section 20.02 - Dues Deduction: In the event that the fair share agreement becomes invalid, or does not become effective, the Employer agrees to deduct once each month, dues from those employees who individually authorize in writing that such deductions be made. The amounts to be deducted shall be certified to tha Employer by the Treasurer of the Union, and the aggregate deductions from all employees shall be forwarded to the Treasurer of Local 2414. Any changes in the amount to be deducted shall be certified to the Employer by the Treasurer of the Union at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such change. A copy of the'authorization card is appended hereto as Appendix Number One (1). 5. ARTICLE XXI , SENIORITY: (a) Revise Section 21.01 to read as follows: "Section 21.01 It shall be the policy of the Employer to recognize seniority as specified in other provisions of this Agreement." 6. APPENDIX A, WAGES AND WORK RULES, Effective January I, 1978, all classifications at all levels will receive a 6.5 percent increase or an increase equal to $45 per month, whichever is greater. Increase the uniform allowance to seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per year. -3- CITY OF MUSKEG0 POLICE DISPATCHERS UNIT, LOCAL 2414, AFSCME, AFL-CIO -4-