CCR1977253ESTABLISHING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS BE IT RESOLVED by the Ccrrnnon Council of the City of Iluskego chat the foll~owing traffic rzz.latj.ons as iljdicated by the official signs and sign2ls designated are hereby adopted. The Highway Superintendcnt in cn~forrnity wich Cimpter 349, state statutes, shall place the following official trzffic signs and signals at the intersections and upon the highldays Indicated; that said signs and signal shall. be located as to eive adeGuace .warning to users of the highway and no pr.ovisi.on of the Traffic 0rdi.nance (Chapter 7) of the P:unicipal Code for Muskego with respect thereto, shall be enforceable unless and until such signs are erected and in place and sufficiently legible to be secn'by 'an ordinarily observant person. - .. All resolutious or pzrts of resolutions inconsistent with or : contravening this resolution are her@by repealed. . TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN - "STOP" sign on the northeest comer of Kiese Dr. at its intersection of pione.er Dr.. "STOP" sign on northeast corner of : Kristin Dr.. at .its intersection with Pioneer- Dr. Removal of three existing "stop" signs in ,Hi-View Acres Subdivision "YTELD" sign installed on Acker Drive westbound at intersection with Hi-View Dr. "YIELD" sign installed on Acker Drive northbound at its intersection with Hi-View Drive. BE IT FURTHER RESOVLEL, that the Ciry Clerk sh~l! file this resolution in her office as part of the original City records. Ysrk E. Pienkos ATTEST: City Clerk 10177 L' je