CCR1977244RESOLUTION #244-77 ACCEPTANCE 'OF' QUOTE FOR INSTALLATION OF 10,000 GALLON @ISOLINE STOBAGE TANK *FGR, NEW POLICE BUILDING WHEREAS, quotations for the insta1latio.n oP a 10,000 gallon gasoline storage tank for the new police.building were asked for by the Police Building Committee, and Petroleum Products' WHEREAS, the following quote was received from Johnny's 1. 10,000 Gallon Underground Storage Tank, IO* 17.' 3" a'' thick steel, weighing 7,410 lbs., totul capacity 10,135 gallons $2.668.00 2. Digging of hole and sand for back filling of tank 625.00 3. Pour cement crown over tank 1 yard per 1Ofi)o gal. steel rods 400.00 4. 1 3 x 3 Island Form (Steel.) 52.00 5. 1 Gilbarco Model fi'6251 Island Pump 839.00 6. (Pipe Tank) 3" Fill Pipe wj.th Elanho1.e aqd. Concrete Pad, 3 x 3 Concrete Island 15' 1$" Suction Line, 20" 2" Vent, 15" hj.gh 990.00 "- TOTAL and $5,574.00 WHEREAS, the Police Building Committee has recomnonded that the quote of Johnny's Pei.rolcum in the amount o€ $5,574.00 be accepted, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Corrmon Counci:l of the City of Muskego, upon tho recommendation of Lhe Police Building Committee, does hereby nccepl. thc quote of Johnny's Petroleum in the amount of $5,574.00 for the install.ati.on of a 10,000 gallon gasoline storage tank fol- the new police buj.lding. P0LI.CE BUILDING COMMITTEq - * Ald. Raynloccl I?. Wallner I_.". ATTEST. City Clerk