CCR1977221RESOLUTION 8221-77 (As Amended) DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (R. Knudsen) (From RS2 to RS2 0. D.) WHEREAS, it has been recmended by the Plan Commission of S6909 Gold Drive be rezoned from RS2 to RS2 0. D. the City of Muskego that a parcel of land located at W188 WHEREAS, the necessary public hearing has been held, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby direct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance to amend the zoning district map of the city by- rezoning the following descriged property from RS2 to RS2 0. D. Part of the Southeast 114 of Section 5, township 5 North, range 20 East, commencing 22 feet South of 1/16 post on East side, thence South 220 feet, thence West 198 feet, thence North 220 acres, R217/72. feet, thence East 198 feet except volume 6041407 of deeds, ..50 DATED THIS , 1977. v Edwin P! Dude ATTEST : RESOLUTION 8221- 7 7 THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEREAS, it has the City of Musk S6909 Gold Drive WHEREAS, the nec THEREFORE, BE IT City of Muskego map of the city draft the necess Part of the Sout 20 East, commenc thence South 220 acres, R217/72. feet, thence Eas " - $e/3 , 1977.