CCR1977184RESOLUTION LE'SIIIIC SPECIAL ASSESSlTEtIPS (Southwest Area District 1.1-13 Assessment District) the total cost of construction a sanitary sewer collection system with- in the City and of the amount to be paid in respect to the real estate within the bity benefited thereby, all in accordance with proceedinzs duly had pursuant to law; WEPEAS, the Connon Council has made a determination of POW, ThTRCFORE, BE IT RZSOLVED: 1. That special assessment schedule which is filed. vnth the City Cler!; as part of the Report of the City Engineer relating to special assessments for the construction of a sanitary sever collection system within said City, which Report vms adopted as the Report of the Conunon Council, is hereby made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein, and, for the purpose of naying a portion of the cost of construction and installing the sanitary sewer levied 3nd assessed against each of said lots and collection system within the City, ther~ is hereby parcels of land the respective amount set opposite the description of said respective lots and parcels of land in said assessment schedule. 2. The properties listed in the assessment schedule and against which the assessments are hereby made are hereby declared benefited by said improvements, the assessment being on a reasonable basis and not to exceed, in the aggregate, the average cost of installa- tion of an 8-inch sanitary sewer having an average depth of 10 feet. 3. sdd assessments, except those upon agricultural lands, may be paid in ten annual equal installments, the flrst installment shall be due on the 28 day ment.s annually therearter. Interest at the rate of shallbearged. The first installment due shall in- clude interest on the entire assessrnent from the ].st day of November shall include one year%"nterest upon the unpaid halance of t.he assessment.. 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed LO give notice of this installment assessment in the form attsched hereto as Exhibit "A" by publication of a copy thereof in the hskego Sun? the official City newspaper, which is likely to give notice to the persons ::ffected, and by mailing a copy thereof to every interested person whose diligence be ascertained. post office address is known, or can with rcasonable 5. In all cases where owners of property azainst whom assessments shall be mlde shall file with the City Clerk, within thirty (30) days from the date of the aforesaid notice a mitten notice that they elect to pay the special assessments upon their pro erty on or before merits payable in installments shZII"Aot be nlade against said property of such ovmers and such owner:; shall pay the entire assessment in fd, of February I 1978, and subsequent instal.1- 8 percent per annum on the entire assessment December 1977 to the 3lstday of 11 9 $7. Subsequen~stnl.lments November 1 t 19 7? snecis'l assess- 1 . I . '. 6. In the event a prson so elects to pay such assessment on or before November 1 19 77 but fails to do so, the entire amount of sucr assessment, together with interest thereon fron November 1st 9 31St 1977 to December 8 per cent per annun, shall be entered 9 19r: - at the rste of in the tax roll for the year 19 77, and collected as are other taxes of the city, on a ten (10) year installment basis. 7. After the tine for making such election shall have expired, such assessment shall be due anti payable in installments as aforesaid, but any assessment may be paid in full before due only upon such assessment,.plus one year's interest on upon the payment of interest to date of prepayment the then unpaid principal amount of such assessment. - Dated this 2 day of AA? Lid I 1 1977. , Jerome J. Cottfried, Ihyor ATTEST : Bette J. Boivyer, City Clerk Y Attach:Exhibit IIA"