CCR1977183.- . 0 A RESOLUTIOII RELATIIIC TO FINAL (Southwest Area District M-13 Assessment District) DETI?FJ.;TI;ATIOI1 OF SPECIAL ASSESSlEMTS VMEREAS the Common Council of the City of hskego on the 9th day of Adggust tion numbered -Its intent to exercise its snecial I 1977, adopted a Prelimi.n:!ry Resolu- assessment powers in relation yo the construction of a sanitary sewer system in the area as per schedule "A" attached hc!rc:to 2nd incorporctcd herein by reference; and !KZREAS, the.Comon Council has tentatively adopted the report of the City Engineer cont.xinine; certain plms and specifica- tions for the construction of said sewer sysetm, and an estimate of' the cost of the installation of said system; and given as required by Resolution 175-7$, and as appears from the re- cords of the City Clerk, held a public hearin5 on the 22nd day of Aueust, 1977, concerning the matters contained in the Preliminary Resolution and the report of the City Engineer. WHEREAS, the Comon Council pursuant to notice properly 1lol;r T~EREFOEE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That said Report, including the statement as to the estimated cost of said improvement and the schedule of mounts assessed as to each parcel of said real estate, be and the same hereby is finally and schedule of assessments are hereby finally approved and adopted, and said statement of cost and adopted as heretofore modified. determined to be correct and are finally approved 2. The Plans and Specifications incorporated into said Report are hereby finally determined to be correct and are- hereby finally approvkd and adopted as here- tofore nodified. 3. The work contemplated in said Report shall be finnally approved and the payment of the portion carried out in accordance with said Peport as of the cost thereof which will be paid by special assessments shall be rnade as set forth in said Report. Dated this U Y / Jerome J. Cottfried, I.Iayor I ATTEST: i Bette J. Bowye* City Clerk 1 Attach: Schedule "A"