CCR1977127RESOLUTION #127-77 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN METRO SANITATION AND PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT (Mill Valley) WHEREAS, the activities on certain evenings at the Mill Valley Complex havegrown extensively since the installation of lights for night baseball, and WHEREAS, it is necessary that sanitary facilities be provided on those evenings, and WHEREAS, it has been recommended by the Park and Recreation Board and the Finance Committee that the city enter into an agreement with Metro Sanitation to install two portable units from June 1, 1977 to August 31, 1977 at a cost of $60.00 per month per unit, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee and the Parks and Recreation Board, does hereby authorize the execution of an agreement between the city and Metro Sanitation for the installation of two portable sanitation units at the Mill Valley Complex at a cost of $60.00 per month per unit from June 1, 1977 to August 31, 1977. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the agreement is subject to the approval of the City Attorney. 0 DATED THIS 24th DAY OF May Y 1977. BTTEST : FINANCE COMMITTEE Paul J. Schaumberg Ronald J. For a SANITATION we have peace with God through. . Jesus Christ - Romans 5:1 ! 1 ACKNOWLtDGtMtNl City of Muskego, Pk. & Recr. Dept., Muskego, WI 53150 Mill Vallley Mamond SOLD W182 58200 Racine Ave., DATE May. 4,. 1977 L 6nIrPED A TO W191 S6445 Hillendale D ~ O""O"D."*O. lo"" O"D1" *e. ..LLD*.Y - 50299030 Phone Our truck John I See Cond. 5 below 111". S"lPPCD "16 ..D.O.EOLL QUAHTIIT DESCRIPTION I PRICE I AMOUNT I PORTABLE TOILETS : Two (2) SERVICE: Weeklg- Gross Rental: $79.00 per month per unit Ne$: 60.00 per month per unit . discount^ 10.00 per unit per month if paid by 10th Ordered by S$eve~ Pischke~ (679-2660) @ THANK YOU FOR YOI'R OF.DER L'iD !C LOOK FORTJARD TO THE PLEASUPE . OF SERVING YOU. I. !fetro Sar.;tatioz si7.L P~GC? nlI snnitn',Son facilit.iss vithir 29' {twant:, fee:) l<star.:e Ss 3esired bjl :ie lessee. %+e lessee agrees to (tgeqty feet) of c hcr2 ser'cceci rsndL1cy. i.? a location beuond the 20' assu?;e all res.:ons<.3<li?;i, a?; w<Sl hold rretro .$,-r.itction Inc. ald <ts enrZ0:Jses I:ar~Zess o,? di c?,a<r.s nqd liab<SCt<ss 1.1hSch Ta;{ occur in de- liver:;, ?.jnl.-ur., c~d servici~o of rscilities. 2) The lessee .Further ail '!etro $cc<lCtizs eTg?!eLfrG ?'e!:ro to deIi;.er. nick-un, and maintalr. screes to ~ssume the responsZbiZit,!d to ?ros:.de md maintciq access to service 0'1 aZZ 'acflities. 5:s iF to include, hut not limited to, toaiqp "f required. 31 ,"he iescge Surther agrees to obta:n all local ?ernits, = 2. kscenass, GV3 pa:! ali 'aes ~2Sck nag be required, holdiqg ?etro Sanitation Izc. hnrmles:: of all ciaimo end liajilities. 4) The Lessee further a?rees to as sum^ respo?sijilit,q for all "amages to the leased ,Caci!ities be?dond ncrmcl ;,:ear. ?his incZudes, .'.ut is not limited to, tfieft an2 vandazism. 'essee sgrees to reirr3xrse ?etro .cor all re?air and reptacement cosks. the ?ayment 0.F .'-~~~~OCJ . with the s.l,-ned orsgtnal 0' thrs Tease acknowledgment shnll be returxer? to as a non-recundable 3eFosit which aZonp oxr o.c;"-lce KO later than 5/23/77 to ncservs the facilities for this season. The c?e,nosit wiz be bpplied to your account. A finance ckarce -C ?e cdded to a7l amour.ts due 30 dn.us or more. The rate will 5e 1.SZ 7er month (1EZ arzzuali .for t+e first C500.00, and 1% ner month(12% annual) to all amou>;t3 oser 2509.39. ;j 7;le i>essee further aprees to a21 Dcynent terms of the lease includina 7 - I the representative of the lessee acceDt all terms and conditions of this lease. Date: