CCR1977082RESOLUTION #82 - 7 7 (As Amended) ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BID FOR NEW HIGHWAY TRUCK WHEREAS, the 1977 Public Works Capital Budget provides for the purchase of a new highway truck equipped with a snowplow and material spreader, and WHEREAS, bids for said equipment have been advertised for, and WHEREAS, the following bids have been received: International Harvester Co. Gasoline Engine $25,498.92 Diesel Engine 29,371.00 Metro GMC Trucks, Inc. Gasoline Engine $23,070.00 - Diesel Engine 29,530.00 - plus $150 Heil Dump Box $1380 Central Hydraulics Hein Equipment Co. Material Spreader $ 1,296.00 (only) Badger Ford Truck Sales,Inc Gasoline Engine $25,047.26 Diesel Engine 29,453.11 I l and I WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has recommended that the bid of International Harvester Co. in the amount of $29,371.00 for the Diesel Engine be accepted, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City Co. for a new 1977 Model highway truck equipped with snowplow and material spreader, with a Diesel engine in the amount of $29,371.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute the necessary documents in the name of the City. ~ of Muskego does hereby accept the bid of International Harvester l ~ i DATED THIS laz DAY OF 0.f) d , 1977. l PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE '1) ATTEST : City Clerk 4/77 pj r Paul J. Sch RESOLUTION #82 - 77 ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BID FOR NEW HIGHWAY TRUCK WHEREAS, the 1977 Public Works Ca the purchase of a new highway tru and material spreader, and WHEREAS, bids for said equipment and WHEREAS,'the following bids have International Harvester Co. $25,498.92 29,371.00 Metro GMC Trucks, Inc. Hein Equipment Co. Material Spreader $ 1,296.00 Badger Ford Truck Sales,I,& Gasoline Engine $25,047.26 29,453.11 and 1 WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has recommended that the bid of International' Harvester Co. in the amount of $29,371.00 for the Diesel Engcne be accepted, THEREFORE, BE IT .RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby accept the bid of International Harvester GO. for a new 1977 Model highway truck equipped with snowplow and material spreader. I Diesel Engine / i ,; BE IT FLJRTE R' RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute t,he necessary documents in the name of the city. DATED THIS. DAY OF , 1977. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE ATTEST : Paul J. Schaunlberg Ronald J. Ford Edwin P. Dumke "