CCR1977022e RESOLIJTI.ON i.22-77 (As Alnended) APPROVAL OF I.FGAI. JDr S:r.4'i'US (\Jill?rd Rndsison) THEWFOX, YE IT RESOLVED thzt the Coiru~lon Council of the City of 1.I-skego 602s hereby appmveupon the recornnendation of the City ??hn COT-TI~SS~~~, t rc-quest of IJillard Andel-son for lc-sal siztus for L.ots 3 2nd 4, ?.;uskcgo Shores Subdivision. >- RESOTJJTION $22-77 (As Amended) APPROVAL OF LEGAL LOT ST.4TUS (1Jillard'Anderson) UHERELS, the Common Covncil of the Cj~Cy of Kusltego has been petitioned by Willard kndersan dEtcmi.nati.on of the status for Lots 3 and 4, Xuskcgo SI-(ores Sub- division,~ and M;EREAS;~-the Plan Comnission has recommended denial of the rzquest, THEFSFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thzt the Common Council of the City of Euskego does hereby approveupon the recomiendation of the City ?lan Cormission, t.,; request of ldillard Anderson For legal stetus for Lots 3 and 4, Nuskego Shores Subdivision. * > 6 ATTEST : To: The Honorab hiarch 18, 1977 ,le Aldermen of the City of hluskego Re' Veto of Resolution $22-77, As Amended Gentlemen' On blarch 8, 1977, your honorable body adopted Resolution $22-77, As Amended. That resolution granted legal lot status to Lots 3 and 4, Block 13, IAuskego Shores Subdivision, owned by blr. Willard Anderson. Although I seldom disagree with the actions of your body--to the degree that I feel a v'eto is necessary, in this particular instance hecause of the many ramifications of your action I have chosen to use the veto as a method of re-opening the matter. for further discussion. - You will reca.11~ that th-e lots in question are both. owned by Mr. Anderson and that he.owns a home: on--Lot 4:~ You will further recall that he has asked-for legal- lot status in order that Lot 3 can be sold. As is usually the case when I disagree with you I have spent a great deal of time reviewing this matter in an 0 attempt to find some way to justify your action. The fact that Xr. Anderson has been a longtime resident of the city, pleads economic hardship and is a longtime acquaintance of mine I have been especially diligent in my review. Ifo\vever, I have not been able to find justification for your action. .> Over the past several years the City of bluskego has developed a philosophy that whenever possible they will discourage the pro- liferation of high density development. As a result of that philosopi~y very few substandard lots have been given legal lot status and in those cases \\here it was granted it was as a result of redivisions. A review of the hluskego Shores Subdivision indicates that there are a large number of double lots which could, although substandard, be built upon. A drive through the subdivision clearly sho\':s where these douhle lots are and how it would affect the giving legal l.ot status to Air. Anderson, has created the possibility nejghboring area It is my personal opinion that !:our body, by of ~nany requests for legal lot status. Although you may argue that each case represents a different situati~on and should be looked at individually you wjill be hard pressed to deny any request for legal lot status in the future since each person feels he has a unique situation. The lots in question are perhaps the \,;orst exatiiple of development in an area already too dense. By approving Resolution -22-77, As Amended, you have not only declared legal a lot that is substandard in width but you have created a second legal lot \'.ilIch is substantially lacking in area as \\ell as width \:'hen determining ~hether or not substandard lots should be made legal it is the responsibility of the Council to look at nany things, on of khich is not the economic advantage or disadvantzge to the o\<ner You must consider how that action \~,.oul~d a€fect adjacent property O:YII~I-S, the density of the area, the goals of tne city as they rel~ate to dc-nsi.ty and \i-i>ether or not ):our action co113d be used 2s a precedent for future requests by other citizens as a convnunity committed to medium and low density development as well as one that has been able to overcome the poor planning xhich had taken place many years ago. The City of hluskego over the ):ears has de\reloped a reputation ing my veto. I urge that you reaffirm the philosophy of the city by sustain- Sincerely yours, JJG/je Jerome J. Gottiried, hlayor City of IJuskego March 9, 1977 I, June E. Elger, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that on March 9, 1977, the Mayor of the City of Muskego, submitted to this,officer,his intention to veto Resolution #22-77, entiiied, Denial of Legal Status (Lots 3 and 4, Muskego Shores Subdivision - W. Anderson), which was adopted by the Common Council on March 8, 1977. ,I wc-7 \ RESOLUTION 822-77 DENIAL OF LEGAL LOT STATUS (Willard Anderson) determination division, and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE the recommendation t of Willard nd 4, Muskego Shores Subdivision. DATED THIS 4 0 March 18, 1977 To' The Honorable Aldermen of the City of Muskego Re. Veto of Resolution #22-77, As Amended Gentlemen: On March 8, 1977, your honorable body adopted Resolution Lots 3 and 4, Block 13, Muskego Shores Subdivision, owned by Mr. #22-77, As Amended. That resolution granted legal lot status to Willard Anderson. Although I seldom disagree with the actions of your body to the degree that I feel a veto is necessary, in this particular instance because of the many ramifications of your action I have chosen to use the veto as a method-of re-opening the matter for further discussion. Mr. Anderson and that he owns a home on Lot 4. You will further recall that he has asked for legal lot status in order that Lot 3 can be sold. As is usually the case when I disagree with you I have spent a great deal of time reviewing this matter in an Mr. Anderson has been a longtime resident of the city, pleads attempt to find some way to justify your action. The fact that economic hardship and is a longtime acquaintance of mine I have been especially diligent in my review. However, I have not been able to find justification for your action. .I You will recall that the lots in question are both owned by e a philosophy that whenever possible they will discourage the pro- liferation of high density development. As a result of that philosophy very few substandard lots have been given legal lot status and in those cases where it was granted it was as a result of redivisions. A review of the biuskego Shores Subdivision indicates that there are a large number of double lots which could, although substandard, be built upon. A drive through the subdivision clearly shows where these double lots are and how it would affect the neighboring area. It is my personal opinion that your body, by giving legal lot status to Mr. Anderson, has created the possibility- of many requests for legal lot status. Although you may argue that each case represents a different situation and should be looked at individually you will be hard pressed to deny any request for legal lot status in the future since each person feels he has a unique situation. The lots in question are perhaps the worst example of #22-77, As Amended, you have not only declared legal a lot that is development in an area already too dense. By approving Resolution substandard in width but you have created a second legal lot which is substantially lacking in area as well as width. Over the past several years the City of Muskego has developed what can happen when you encourage continuation of high density made legal it is the responsibility of the Council to look at many \\'hen determining whether or not substandard lots should be things, on of which is not the economic advantage or disadvantage to the omer You must consider how that action \r:ould affect adjacent property o~vners, the density of the area, the goals of the city as they relate to density and \\~hether or not your action could be used as a precedent for future requests by other citizens. The City of Muskego over the years has developed a reputation we11 as one that has been able to overcome the poor planning which as a community committed to medium and low density development as had taken place many years ago. I urge that vou reaffirm the DhilOSoDhv of the citv bv sustain- * ing my veto: " " Sincerely yours, Jerome J. Gottfried, ?lagor City of hluskego JJG/ je