CCR1976180i a a Excerpts of Minutes of Regular Meeting of Common Council Held September 14, 1976 Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, was held in open session on September 14, 1976 and called to order by His Honor, Mayor The following Aldermen were present: Gottfried at 8:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. Colburn, Dumke, Ford, Schaumberg, Pienkos and Wallner A regular meeting of the Common Council of .the City of The following Aldermen were absent: Constantineau (Here occurred business not pertinent to the bond issue.) The following resolution was offered and read by Alder- man Initial Resolution No. 180-76 INITIAL RESOLUTION Authorizing $ 400,000.00bonds of the City of Muskego: RESOLVED that the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, borrow an amount not to exceed $ 400,000.00 by issuing its general obligation coupon bonds for the purpose of constructing police facilities in and for the City. For the purpose of paying the princi- pal of and interest on said bonds, there is hereby direct, annual irrepealable tax sufficient for that levied on all the taxable property in said City a purpose. It was moved by Alderman Schaumberg , seconded by Alderman Dumke , to adopt Resolution No. publication of notice as follows: directing Resolution No. 180-76 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE WHEREAS an initial resolution has been offered and read to the Common Council of the City and it is now necessary that said initial resolution .be published to afford notice to the residents of the City of its pendency; .. .~. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall publish a notice to the electors in substan- tially the following form in the official City news- paper, the MuskegG-.SLxrd: apart, the last insertion of which shall be at least , twice, one week one week prior to the date set therein for considera- tion of said initial resolution: I NOTICE l'i) ):;,I c ;'ai\:, cJ1. 'IIIL <.~'I'Y 01: ;.l~!:~h.~.L.O, 'XISC3NSIN V' NOTICE IS IIKIW13Y GIVEN that the fallob.:ing initial resolu- Common Council of the City of Muskego, held September 14, .1976, tion has been offered ~nd read at the reyulcr meeting of the and is now pending before the Cormnon Council; said resolution will be considered for adoption at the regular meeting of the Common Council to be held October 12, 1976, at 8:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall: Initial Resolution ~JO. 180-76 INITIAL RESOLUTION Authorizing $ 400,000.Obonds of the City of Muskego: RESOLVED that the City of nuskego, Waukesha Count , Wisconsin, borrow an amount not to exceed $ 400,O 8 0.00 by issuing its general obligation coupon bonds for the purpose of constructinq police facilities in and for the City. For the purpose of paying the princi- pal of and interest on said bonds, there is hereby levied on all the taxal)lc- property in said City a direct, annual irrepealable tax sufficient for that p.urpose. It is anticipated that said initial resolution will be submitted to referendum to be held in connection with the Novern- ber general election. Dated September 14, 1976. By Order of the Common Council Bette J. Bowyer, City Clerk 0 e On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. (Here occurred business not pertinent to the bond issue.) It was moved by Alderman Pienkos and seconded by Alderman Wallner to adjourn at 9:45 P.M. Motion carried. ATTEST : n !